U.S. O.T.O. Grand Lodge
Other U.S. O.T.O. bodies
Past Events
Scarlet Woman Lodge History

Scarlet Woman Lodge has had an interesting and unique history. This archival page highlights some events that occur outside of the regular schedule.

Scarlet Woman Lodge Bazaar.

Rouge et Noir Party.

For the second year in a row, Br. Bob Stein graced us with more amazing insights, late December 2010 e.v.

TOTOCON 3 again held at Casa de Luz in mid-November 2010 e.v.
Browse the official site, by going here.

T. Thorn Coyle Spoke on “Self Possession and Drawing Down the 'I am'” in January 2010 e.v.

Br. Bob Stein gave 3 presentations in late December 2009 e.v. The first of what might prove to be an annual series at Scarlet Woman Lodge.

*A ritual working of Liber DCCCXIII vel ARARITA sub figurâ DLXX
*Discoveries within the manuscript of Liber XXXI -Including his theories regarding II:76, and III:47
To clarify: this is not a commentary on the Book of the Law; it is a study of the manuscript.

J. Daniel Gunther author of "Initiaion in the Aeon of the Child" and aspirant to the A.'.A.'. for over 30 years, spoke at Casa de Luz in December 2009 e.v. The original announcement is found at this link.

TOTOCON II Our largest event of the year, held at Casa de Luz.
Texas Regional O.T.O. Convention II
mid-November 2009 e.v.
2 full days of presentations, with a celebration of the Gnostic Mass
Vendors, an auction, free goodies- Over 60 attendees!
All the TOTOCON II information pages can be found by going here.

TOTOCON I October 2008 The TOTOCON I flyer and a sampling of the presentations are available here.

Magical & Mystical Conference
June 2008 e.v Mysticism and Magick in the New Aeon. Two days of workshops
in Austin, Texas on mysticism, magick, and other aspects of spiritual practice.
Presented by the members of Scarlet Woman Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis. Original announcement here.

Pastoral Counseling Workshop at the Austin Massage Center.
February 2006 e.v. Presented for the clergy of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. A workshop on how to assist the community in navigating life’s more difficult questions within the context of the tenents of the Church.  The members of the OTO Psychology Guild, at the request of the Primate Sabazius, put together a curriculum for the clergy to develop their counseling skills.  To read the Annoucement click here.