U.S. O.T.O. Grand Lodge
Other U.S. O.T.O. bodies
The Scarlet Letter
Volume I, Number 1 | August 1993
Camp News
by Sr. Continuity, Camp Master

Soror Continuity and Scarlet Woman Camp wish to extend some major thanks to Soror E.I.A.E. from Apotheosis Camp of Channelview, Texas (Houston area) for taking the time to travel to Austin to perform our premiere initiations. Thanks also to Frater I.S.B. and all the others who traveled to be here with us.

Congratulations to the newly Minervaled Soror Zohar, Frater Seahorse, Brother K.A., Frater Xephyr, and Frater K.’A.K.; and again to Soror Zohar on her I°, all held over Memorial Day weekend.

Also many thanks to Soror Fidelia of Bubastis Oasis, for her help, advice, and for hospitality when I visited Dallas for the Minerval Marathon May 15th. Personal thanks to Soror Fidelia for my ordination as Novitiate Priestess (E.G.C.) on May 16th.

Both Soror E.I.A.E. and Soror Fidelia give great ritual! I feel extremely fortunate to be in such excellent Thelemic company here in Texas. More power to us, eh!

On Another Note

Scarlet Woman Camp is now open for business, and like most businesses, will be requiring some MONEY to operate. A dues policy has been established as of July. $5.00 per member, per month, due before the end of each month. Pay dues to Soror Zohar, Treasurer.

It is possible to be a member of SWC and have your dues waived (a work of trade of some kind can be arranged), but frankly, right now we need the cash, so dig deep. Thanks.


We need to accumulate some various temple furniture and regalia for the Gnostic Mass. We can work with what we've got, but I'd like to see things proceed. Call me, Soror Continuity, for the wish list.

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