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The Scarlet Letter
Volume I, Number 1 | August 1993

The Reluctant Shaman:
A Woman's First Encounters with the Unseen Spirits of the Earth
By Kay Whittaker
Harper San Francisco; Reprint edition (December 6, 1991)
[Find it at Amazon]

Review by Brother K.A.

Thunder...Lighting...Pouring Rain...A sudden, uncharacteristic urge to brave the elements and walk the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean... A "chance" meeting with a strange man who says he has been waiting along time for this moment. This is how Kay Whittaker's journey into the world of Shamanism begins. She suddenly finds herself turning from her normal, if unfulfilling, life as a housewife to a secret apprenticeship with two Brazilian Shamans. Soon, (a little too soon in her timid view), she is deeply involved with Songs, Spirits, and Balance.

The book is delightfully written, full of information and emotion, giving an overview of Shamanic practices and beliefs without ever becoming dry. Many rituals are described in vivid detail, making it a valuable reference as well as a very good read.

Ms. Whittaker's stated purpose is to spread Shamanic knowledge to people in general, as it is high time that more people learn natural balance, in order to realign our modern technology with the Spirits that have so often been forgotten. I fully agree, and recommend this book to any and all, especially those who are interested in magic in general, or Shamanism specifically.

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