Book Reviews Review by Fr. Mutatio est Stabilitas
In this storyline, we are brought from the days of Agape Lodge #1 in Vancouver to Smith’s death in 1957. This time frame included the founding of Thelemic Orders such as C.F. Russell's infamous Choronzon Club and Achad's short lived Psychomagian Society. It saw Frater Achad become Crowley's spiritual son as a Master of the Temple and his fall into dispersion in the Abyss. Smith's work included the founding of Agape Lodge #2 in Los Angeles and the first complete and regular performance of the Gnostic Mass. Smith was also witness to the fascinating work and untimely death of Jack Parsons. Frater 132 (Smith) was a noteworthy figure in Thelemic history. After Achad, he served as honorary Grandmaster X° of the United States. He was a tireless and relentless supporter of Thelema. He was often at odds with Crowley and Germer about how to best promulgate the Law of Thelema. This eventually led to Crowley assigning him the work of Liber CXXXII. Crowley stated that Smith was a god incarnate and set Smith the task of fulfilling his godhead. Was Smith a god incarnate? Did he ever fully realize his godhead? Pick up a copy of The Unknown God and find out. |