A dramatic ritual to align the energies of a subject with the forces of the 93 current as further developed by Smoking Dog Fratres Pnesomauma, Sharash, H.S., and Insanus of Scarlet Woman Camp O.T.O. (profuse thanks to Collegium 93)


Preparation for Liftoff.

  1. Let there be a subject (abbreviated S) and three officers. The officers are the Bellman, the Rodger, and the Prolocutor. The Bellman (B) must have a small, high-pitched bell. He is also responsible for the blindfold that S must wear. The Rodger (R) uses a wand during the ritual. If no accessory is available, the Rodger may put the thumb of his right hand between its index and medius, and use that thumb as his weapon. The Prolocutor (P) must have a footstool. No special dress is required of any of the officers except for B, who must meet S outside of the space of the working. B should have some ceremonial dress, perhaps approximating that of a Deacon of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.
  2. Let there be a circle of at least 10' radius. No temple decorations are neccessary, except as they may suit the tastes of the officers. A copy of the Stele of Revealing may be placed in the direction of Boleskine (57°14'N, 4°28W).
  3. Let B greet S and bid him wear the blindfold. Once S is blindfolded, let B lead him by the hand into the center of the circle and position him so that he faces Boleskine.
  4. Let P stand in the direction faced by S and pronounce to S, with clarity and due gravity, the opening lection:

We know one thing only. Absolute existence, absolute motion, absolute direction, absolute simultaneity, absolute truth, all such ideas; they have not, and never can have, any real meaning. If a deranged man fell into a river, he might remember the proverb and clutch at an imaginary straw. Words such as "truth" are like that straw. Confusion of thought is concealed, and its impotence denied, by the invention. This lection began with the words "we know": yet, questioned, we make haste to deny the possibility of possessing, or even defining, "knowledge."


The Oath of the Enchantment, which is called the Elevenfold Seal.

The Animadversion towards the Aeon.

  1. Let B take up the place before S, while P moves behind him.
  2. Let B strike the battery 1-333-333-333-1 on the bell.

The Vertical Component of the Enchantment.

  1. Let R describe a circle about the head of S, while P stands on the stool behind S, crying NUIT! over his head.
  2. Let R trace a line downward and touch the wand to the muladhara chakra of S, while P crouches behind S, crying HADIT! at that level.
  3. Let R retrace the line to the center of the breast of S and touch that spot with the wand, while P vibrates RA-HOOR-KHUIT! into the chest of S.

The Horizontal Component of the Enchantment.

  1. Let R touch the center of the forehead and the larynx of S, while P intones AIWAZ! at the level of the nostrils of S.
  2. Let R draw the wand from left to right across the face of S at that level.
  3. Let R touch the center of the breast and the solar plexus of S, while P roars THERION! at the level of the sternum.
  4. Let R draw the wand from right to left across the abdomen of S at that level.
  5. Let R touch the svadistthana and the muladhara chakras of S, while P screams BABALON! at the level of the hips.
  6. Let R draw the wand from left to right across the hips of S.

(Thus they shall formulate the Sigil of the Grand Heirophant, but dependent from the Circle.)

The Asseveration of the Spells.

  1. Let P stand behind S, let R stand forward and to the right of S, and let B stand forward and to the left of S.
  2. Let all three in chorus, on the lead of P, vibrate the words LAShTAL! ThELEMA! WIAOW! AGAPE! AUMGN! Each word should use a full breath.

(Thus shall be declared the Words of Power whereby the Energies of the Aeon of Horus work his will in the world.)

The Proclamation of the Accomplishment.


The Enchantment.

  1. Let P guide S in walking by putting his right hand to the back of the neck of S, first bringing him forward to the edge of the circle.
  2. Let P guide S to the left and bring him about the circle on its periphery.
  3. Let B be stationed outside the circle, 45 degrees deosil from Boleskine. As S is brought past his starting place, let B project force into S, using the Sign of the Enterer, in a line tangent to the circle, so as to impel S on his path.
  4. Let P continue with S past the starting point until he comes to the North. There let him halt S, and turn him towards the North.
  5. Let B sound the bell at the corners of the Averse Pentagram suitable to invoke Air. (N.B. This pentagram, and all others in the ritual, should be from the perspective of S. B will draw its mirror image.) Let R draw the sigil of Aquarius on the breast of S.
  6. Let P project force from the center of the circle into S, using the Sign of the Enterer, and calling upon NUIT!
  7. Let P guide S in making the sign Puella.
  8. Let P turn S again to the left, and proceed along the circumference as before. Let R work as in point 3. Let P then halt S in the South.
  9. Let B sound the bell at the corners of the Averse Pentragram that invoketh Fire. (Perspective of S) Let R draw the sigil of Leo on the breast of S.
  10. Let P project force from the center of the circle into S, using the Sign of the Enterer, and crying HADIT!
  11. Let P guide S in making the sign Puer.
  12. Let P guide S, with the Enterer from R, all as before. Then in the East let B make the Averse Pentagram that invoketh Earth. Let R trace the sigil of Taurus on the breast of S.
  13. Let P project force from the center of the circle into S, using the Sign of the Enterer, and crying THERION!
  14. Let P guide S in making the sign Vir.
  15. Proceeding as before, let B formulate in the West the Averse Pentagram whereby Water is invoked. Let R draw the sigil of Scorpio on the breast of S.
  16. Projecting the force from the center, let P call upon BABALON!
  17. Let P guide S in making the sign Mulier.
  18. Let P, B, and R with their six hands spin S deosil on his axis, while directing him in a widdershins spiral to the center of the circle. There let him be stopped, facing Boleskine.
  19. Let R draw the Mark upon the open right palm of S: Sol and Luna conjoined, with two lobes pendant to Luna. Then let P breathe onto the Mark the name AIWAZ, while R describes an acute averse heptagram on the forehead of S.
  20. Let R trace the invoking Hexagram of the Beast on the breast of S.
  21. Let B stomp, pound, or drop a massive object to the earth in front of S.
  22. Let P guide S in making the sign of Mater Triumphans. Let B, P, and R (in chorus as before) utter the word ThELEMA!
  23. Let B and R with their four hands spin S widdershins on his axis, while directing him in a deosil spiral to the circumference of the circle. Each time on arriving at the West, let them stop S and face him towards the West, while P addresses him: a. "Before you the powers of LA!" (from West) b. "Behind you the powers of AL!" (from East) c. "On your right hand the powers of LA!" (from North) d. "On your left hand the powers of AL!" (from South) e. "Above you the powers of ShT!" (from the stool) f. "Beneath you the powers of ShT!" (from a crouch) g. "Within you the powers!" (in chorus with B and R--S is now left stationary) h. "About you flames your Father's face, the Star of Force and Fire." (whispered by P into left ear of S) i. "And in the Column stands His six-rayed Splendour!" (whispered by P into right ear of S)


This is identical with the First Gesture.


Confirmation of Orbit.

  1. Let P stand behind S and pronounce to S, with clarity and due gravity, the closing lection:

So shall he who invoketh often behold the formless fire, with trembling and bewilderment; but if he prolong his meditation, he shall resolve it into coherent and intelligible symbols, and he shall hear the articulate utterance of that fire, interpret the thunder thereof as a still small voice in his heart. And the fire shall reveal to his eyes his own image in its own true glory. And it shall speak in his ears the mystery that is his own right name.

  1. Let P remove the blindfold from S.
  2. Let P, B and R together address the candidate in greeting: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
  3. Let S respond as he will.


1. The effects of this ritual on the subject are quite palpable. Those unfamiliar with Thelema and incapable of basic magical disciplines (such as banishing) are not suited to undergo the operation.

2. For a female Subject, it will be desireable to regender the language of the closing lection.

Where there is smoke . . .