The Scarlet Letter
Volume II, Number 3 | Feburary 1995
by Sr. Lillith, Retreat Hostess

Once upon a time I attended a Jewish youth retreat. About 30 teenagers bussed out to a lodge in the country where we observed strict kosher law, went to services, talked about what it was to be Jewish, and had a whole lot of fun. This stood out as being one of the best experiences of my young adult years, not because it was a party, but because I was immersed in the culture. The flavors and aromas of that weekend have retained their power and sweetness over many years.

So here I am, a little older, and a lot wiser. I have chosen a spiritual and philosophical path different than that of my upbringing, namely Thelema. But I still find great value in my brief experience as a religious Jew; the completeness of the culture, the value placed on community, the rituals that occur at particular times of day... lo and behold, my new lifestyle contains all these wondrous things as well!

Wouldn't you love to leave the telephone, the office, errands and junk mail for a few days and retreat into the arms of your chosen Thelemic culture? I would. If you would like to join me, and the rest of Scarlet Woman Camp for such an event, come and attend our First Thelemic Equinox Retreat.

This event is NOT a festival, but it will be fun. It is a Thelemic cultural retreat. My intention is to facilitate an event which will support personal and group practice. We will build fraternity, experiment with ritual technique, work O.T.O. degrees to which we are entitled, eat together, celebrate the Equinox, and observe daily disciplines like Will and Resh, just to name some of the activities.

All food will be provided at communal meals and you don't have to have a lot of camping gear. The stone lodge will sleep many folks so bring your bedding. Those who prefer to tent separate from the retreat lodge site can do so at their own additional expense as we will be in a state park.

There is still room in the event schedule to allow for additional workshops; coordinators are needed for currently scheduled events like readings of Liber AL; and we have a slot saved for a guest speaker in hopes we attract a prominent Thelemite or two to attend. If you are interested in contributing to or attending the retreat please register and get in touch with me. A flyer with event and registration information appears in this issue of The Scarlet Letter. Registration is limited to 93 Thelemites, so don't wait.

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