The Scarlet Letter
Volume III, Number 3 | June 1996
Let the Magician...
by Nantiel

...make the sign of the Babe of the Abyss and enter his temple. Let him have at hand the Grimoires that recount the apparitions of empty beauty. Let the temple be illuminated and the incense be kindled.

With the Grimoires, let the Magician evoke the fires of Aries by the force of Jupiter. Let him invoke the Mighty Winds. When Mars threatens, let the Magician seize upon the jar in which the Spirits of Scorpio-Bicapricornus have been imprisoned. Let the jar be opened, but the Spirits restrained. Then let the Spirits be sacrificed to the Mighty Winds.

The method of sacrifice is this: The Winds take the Spirits and toss them to and fro. Then the Spirits are left restrained as the Winds continue their course. Then the Winds return for the Spirits and toss them to and fro. Finally, the Spirits are released.

If the operation is performed with due delicacy, the Spirits are released as Mars manifests, and the Magician aspires to his Angel with all of his might.

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