The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter reaches out to an eclectic readership all over America. If you are interested in placing an advertisement in our publication, here's everything you need to know (if not, write the advertising manager with questions):

Sizes & Rates

Full page 7" x 9.5"
(42 x 57 picas)
1/2 pg. vert. 3.3" x 9.5"
(20 x 57 picas)
1/2 pg. horiz. 7" x 4.5"
(42 x 27 picas)
1/3 pg. vert. 2.2" x 9.5"
(13 x 57 picas)
1/4 pg. horiz. 7" x 2.3 "
(42 x 14 picas)
Business card 3.5" x 2" $10

Our Mission

The Scarlet Letter publishes materials within three main areas of interest:

  1. The religion/philosophy known as Thelema
  2. Ordo Templi Orientis, an international Thelemic organization
  3. The creativity and character of the members of Scarlet Woman Lodge

We publish material on a wide range of topics, including original magical rituals from the Western occult perspective, reviews of art and literature, original fiction and plays, humor and satire, historical research and surveys, reports on Lodge and Order activities, and personal stories and editorials. Through such articles, we strive to forward the Thelemic values of spiritual and cultural freedom.

The Scarlet Letter remains dedicated to delivering informative, entertaining articles, unique art, and an overall design ethic that encourages thought, exploration, and experimentation. Since there is no one cultural definition of Thelema, the journal is open to many voices and visions. The core qualities we seek to exemplify are creativity, humor, freedom, integrity, thoughtfulness, and passion.

About Our Readership

The Scarlet Letter attracts an eclectic readership, with the majority in the 20-40 age bracket. There are several stereotypes of what Thelemites are like, but the reality is that the population represents a wide range of lifestyles and attitudes. Some of the more common elements to be seen in our readership are intelligence, curiosity, and passion. With the combination of these traits, a large portion of Thelemites can also be considered "early adopters" in that they are often at the forefront of technological and cultural shifts. The majority can be considered politically liberal, and virtually all of them are unusually open-minded and accepting of alternative outlooks, beliefs, and pasttimes.


The Scarlet Letter is published four times a year on the solstices and equinoxes. The deadlines for materials are:

Spring Equinox—deadline: March 1
Summer Solstice—deadline: June 1
Fall Equinox—deadline: September 1
Winter Solstice—deadline: December 1

Submitting an Ad

Physical materials: submitted physical artwork must be of a high quality with crisp lines and solid color blocks. Artwork that is overly scratchy, faded, or otherwise illegible will not be accepted. Although we will accept color artwork, black and white is preferred. Due to our reproduction process, the best ads are those with high contrast black & white art.

Digitial materials: you may email your files or send a CD. Acceptable file formats for ad materials are jpeg (zero compression), tiff, eps, Photoshop, and PDF. Digital artwork that is of low quality (i.e. 72 dpi) will not be accepted.

You may email your ad to the Editor, or mail it to:
      The Scarlet Letter
      c/o Scarlet Woman Lodge
      P.O. Box 81873
      Austin, TX 78708

Ad Creation

If you would like the Scarlet Letter staff to design and produce your ad from scratch, we are happy to provide this service. You must provide the text and artwork/photography that you want in the ad. The fee for this service is the cost of placing the ad, plus $10/hour of production time.

Member Business Listings

If you are a dues-paying member of Scarlet Woman Lodge, you may have your business or professional service listed in the Scarlet Letter, free of charge. If you are not a member of our Lodge, but are an initiate of O.T.O. in good standing (in any location), you may also be listed for $5 an issue. If you wish to be listed, please provide the following:

1. Small logo (optional—must be black & white and good quality)
2. Name or Business Name
3. Contact information you wish listed
4. One or two sentence description of your business or service

Payment of Advertising Services

You may pay for the above services by mailing a check made out to "Scarlet Woman Lodge" and mailing it to:
      The Scarlet Letter
      c/o Scarlet Woman Lodge
      P.O. Box 81873
      Austin, TX 78708

or you can pay through PayPal:

Scarlet Letter Advertising Payment
Please make the appropriate choice for the advertising services you've chosen. After you sign in to PayPal, please write in the notation area: your name, business name, contact info, and a brief description of your ad.