The Scarlet Letter
Volume I, Number 4 | May 1994
The Horse with a Rose in its Mane
by Fr. Seahorse

Came a stallion with nostrils a-flaring
in a motion too swift to be tamed
like an eager young cyclone a-faring
came the horse with the rose in it's mane.

As dusk fell shadows were moving
cloaked outlaws disguised in the night
each shadow intent upon proving
the horse with the rose it could ride.

The horse with the rose is a hellion
he's a beast that no shadow can fight
his hooves have trampled battalions
those who mounted and failed have all died.

My soul it has traveled a long time
though smitten and racked with the pain
too swift was the eye for my line
as I tossed it around his white mane.

The horse with the rose he had halted
then the rope grew tight in my hand
so upon his broad back I vaulted
and away the swift stallion ran.

No sugar can come from the ocean
there's no milk in a leaky pail
but order comes from the commotion
when you ride a wild charger through Hell.

The sun shines down from the mountain
and the shadows have all been tamed
I pause to drink at the fountain
on the horse with the rose in it's mane.

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