The Scarlet Letter
Volume II, Number 2 | October 1994
Part III: July 1, 1924 to December 14, 1924
The Magical Record of The Scarlet Woman
By Leah Hirsig, Alostrael 31-666-31

Leah HirsigMss Diaries of Disciple Leah Hirsig, Catalog #DD1
Alostrael's Visions copied from diaries of The Beast 666 and
Alostrael 31-666-31
beginning Luna Monday, October 29, 1923 e.v. (Luna in Aries, An. xix)
Nefta, Tunesie, Cefalu, Sicily

pg.18 (cont.)

July 1 E
To Paris, under protest. I was as cross as could be in the morning, felt thoroughly unprepared to go to Kammerly Hall, yet the moment I left the house I found myself as keen and capable as could be.


Programme in Paris (resume)
1. Kammerly Hall—couldn't see him—appt. for F
2. Suzanne—pd. her 50 ft.
3. Suzanne Aunt—no velvet—to call in PM
4. Coat, Scarf, Walking Stick.
5. P.O.
6. Done at 12 & sat with Willy for a long time, then the "Old Man" joined and invited me to fix up his flat. I made a date with him for Fat 12.
7. Dentist—nice man. Estimate 3300 fr.
8. Suzanne A. again—100 francs for berre.
9. Home at 5:24—666 met me!
10. Home—dinner & long letter to O.P.V. Cross again—as soon as I struck Chelles! Hell!! Well?

July 2  10AM A
Raining like hell. 666 sleeping tho we planned to go to Paris. Two long letters to O.P.V. copied 4 pages of my own. 666 off on 5:56 I to P.O. and shopping. Caught in healthy shower! Home at 6:40.

July 3  1AM
Noises—strong smell of chloroform, or so I supposed. But sleep is all off. God help me!

1:08 AM
I was too busy listening to listen write—and I do not dare to sleep. The window is now open. I don't dare to close it. And I am afraid! About 20 minutes ago Opus VII msbtd—To get going to Estab. the L. of T.—action, in other words. I trust this is not it. But after all if it is the action needed, I shall do not fail to do all I can. Am I quite crazy?

20 July 5 G
Spend F night and E in Paris. Took 9:44 F, visited Dentist, Counsel, B.C.F., Kammerly Hall, and the Dame. Shopped in Maine and after a siege with the dentist E A.M. caught the 12:02 back home.

In Paris
1. Dentist—bill to be presented when work is completed.
2. Consulate—H.B.M.C.G. was not in. But one of the men there informed A.C. that his passport was not in order and that the V.C. was "green."
3. Kennerley Hall—Spend 1 hour with him & have promised to send him a report.
4. B.C.Fund
I called there at 11:40 while A.C. was still at the Consulate. The door was opened by Miss Clayton, the woman who called at 5:00 May 1. When I said, "You are the very person I want to see," she said, "You'll have to see Miss Macnaughton" and ushered me into the Divine Presence. I got a chill from which I have not yet recovered. These worms have to have some means of self-protection.

I told her I had called to pay back the 20 francs lent by Miss Clayton, unless it had not yet already been repaid. She said "No." Then, I pulled out the 20 ft., held on to them for dear life, and said I should like to talk to Miss the lady—etc—I don't know her name—what is her name?

She refused to let me talk to Miss C. on the ground that they were finished with the case, it being a consular case and "You're not a British subject? You're an American." I protested: "Oh no, sweety, I'm Swiss."

She referred to the "record" before her and said that there was nothing to report—M. C. & his friend (secretary) had been ejected, order 5000 ft. to the proprietor, and she had telephoned the Consulate on May 2 to say it was a Consular case. "Is that all?" said I, innocently.


"Yes," she said.

"Then what did the man at the Consulate refer to when he told you that throughout it looked to him like a 'professional case'?", flashed I, verbally and with my eyes firmly fixed on her.

No answer. Damn my soul, I became kind-hearted, and helped her out (I wonder whether I did really) by saying "You don't remember those words?"

Said she "No", but hardly audibly.

"Well, I do," remarked Miss Leah H, and told her my embarrassment in being forced to listen to a telephone conversation. She dropped the subject and asked quite cooly about the payment. I handed her the 20, and she dipped her pen in a nearly empty ink-pot (red ink) at least 20 times. I wonder if anyone can read what she wrote! I paid up and asked her, as she refused to allow us to do so myself, to thank Miss C. for her kindness and timely help.

20 ft. looked very large to us that day." said I.

The ugly old Macnaughton was back on the job.

"It's very queer," said she, "that such a condition should have arisen." (This with as positive conviction as the rosy cheeked person's "professional case" remark. They should leave the Pooblic Service and give Jung etc. instructions in psychoanalysis.

"Not when you know the circumstances," quoth I, and exited.

Later, we called again and were received by the Furnance Man, so I thought at first sight. Our acquaintance he viewed more like what I imagine the least incapable people in a poor-house to be like. He swelled with importance when he announced that he was in charge!!! A.C. rambled on and the charge gave his views on the duties, priviledges, etc. of a Pooblic Servant.


His final speech, on A.C.'s asking if he saw murder done in the street, would he give evidence or notify the police, was "If you want to keep out of trouble, you'll get away as fast as you can" or something to that effect. So much for Poohblick Survints!

July 6 A
Wright & Brown called yesterday. No Anna W.! 666 not well. Tired and uninterested. I busy all day morning writing up acct. of Vavin Slong & letters for Cuald, etc.

July 7 K
Paris by 9:44. Met M. de Lima, a play writer. Leo, Cancer man —missed the 8:16 by 1 minute. Home late. Also met Ella Burgin and Nelam, of Lady Hamilton extraction.

July 8
Letter from O.P.V. re B.D. Collins, etc. Good by.

July 9
Paris on 1:35. Dentist & Suzanne. Hunt. Dame —de Lima, Wright. No Willy. I bet she did it, the bloody fool.

July 10
Rotten all day. 9PM Opus VIII Msbtd. Reverence to R.H.K. Letters from Alabana, she may have sinned July 3!

July 11
Woke feeling rotten. Not going to Paris as for appointment. Patron telephoned. Garalin PM. Mnstrm —1st day.

July 12 G
Hot as hell. Cheque from G —gave it to Patrons. Sewed and wrote letters to A.I. and Prog.

July 16 B 5PM
"I want to know the future" is the answer that grass made me utter, in searching for the cause of my present state of health. I took 4 drops before lunch to this end.

n K I had too much and was deathly ill with it, too much '75 and wine. 4 drops gives me all I need in the line of relaxing and no discomfort.

July 17 F
500 ft arrived from London, making 10 pounds in all (250.50 rec'd on E).

23 July 18 4:15PM
Yi —How shall I act at present with regard to Alma?
Earth of Sol. No XXII, Pi Twan —Avoid Initiative
Line 1. Show the excellence of your way as enabling you to despise material matters.
Line 2. Art is very well, but dependent on life.
Line 3. Show how fortunate you are. Be firm about it.
Line 4. Offer to help her with great simplicity and great enthusiasm, using sincerity.
Line 5. Set her feel that she owes to you even her present degree of manifestation.
Line 6. Show that the supreme virtue is simplicity.

(Later msbtd: this AM 8:30? Some Life in A.C. Wrote letters. 4 gr before lunch —4 before dinner. To write to Alma.

8:40 PM The keynote to Alma is that her mind is practically gone. A minute or so ago I found B's bottle of 0. and took a bit to sober me sufficiently to write Alma.

8:50 I started to write Alma. But it doesn't write. I think I'll decide on the Yi's first injunction and take not the initiative.

July 19 G
My day off! 11:30AM and I'm still in bed! Smoked 4 cigarettes and just loafed.

7PM Eventful day:
1. Telephone call —Dentist 10:30 AM
2. Letter from Alma 11 AM
3. Letter from M.E. 2nd 11 AM
4. 666 to Paris 2:41PM
5. Con. of Police called 5PM


6. Letter from OPV 4 PM
7. Telegram Leak? London 7PM

I also washed my hair and scrapped the tin box. Feeling rotten, I decided to feel rottener. Oh yes! Greatest of all!!!!! 666 ate 2 bananas! before lunch!!!!!

Trying to write to Alma but simply can't.

July 20 A
To Paris. Sullivan.

July 21 K
To Chelles. 13 pounds O.P.V. Pictures of Chefalu people. Letter from M.Clark and amount & money.

July 22 E
Back to Paris on 2:35. Stayed at Marina Hotel. Evans here —I very tired.

5:53PM 666 sleeping. Baggage, baggage everywhere. And not a rag to wear!

July 27 A Montramarte 24 rue Samarck
Been here since B July 23. F met E Hams after lunch at La Paiu, and visit to Bishop & G. E A.C. talked with RH. —Anna Wilson at Doma. F Letter from Alma —she's sent my $100.

10:35 AM —Making list of books in Box B. 12:30 PM At the Savoyard, after listing books in Box B. Fine day. Four pounds from D.L.T.C. I feel very excited about going to London. I must get my Rogues Gallery going again. Auiden yesterday —planetary restaurant.

July 30 B
Symbol No XXXII How to use H.N. Hall. A.C. had lunch with him. Suzanne & Suzanne have been paid off, and walked in year rig to Henry's Bar where Anna received us! Dinner at Suzanne ru Paine. Home James!

F Chellas by the 9:14. Hall came out later. I like him —but?


Aug 1 C
666 is not feeling well. I have been running about all morning but cannot dec'd what to take to London. What I saw as strength to carry on a very definite line of campaign. I shall close this record now, and start another one (as soon as I get it).

Dec 2 1924 ev
7:40 —4 8PM Invocation of R.H.K. (Unity) & impromptu special point. "Work the work of wickedness."

Dec 14 1924 e.v. A
AN xx A in QK in ? 4:31PM

I start a new Magical Record. For months now I have dared and sneered at and rejected what I termed "old magical methods." But all my actions to get something new have brought me merely to a state of nervous collapse which seems to have reached its limit today.

I can do no more than start all over again. I affirm that my only reason for holding out against what seemed hopeless and unending difficulties is that I may be of service in the Great Work. I have in the past taken upon myself a series of tasks of which I neither understood the purpose nor consciously. I do not know whether I have failed hopelessly or whether I can still make good. I do know that I can merely re-affirm these oaths, one by one; tho whichever one I may select will torture me to look at the next. But I think on reading over various old Diaries, that I had better start with my 8°=3° Oath and work along those lines.

I hereby, 4:40PM, A Dec 14 repeat:

4:44PM I did so —adding Lilith to the other names.

I am ashamed to say that I was weeping like a baby all the while but I think the tears have loosened up something that needed to be hit at badly.

5:07 PM I just accused myself of not having the courage to give up smoking. I have and I will not smoke until I have recovered my physical looks sufficiently to allow me to do so sensibly. I look like a butt that has been lying about for a week.

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