U.S. O.T.O. Grand Lodge
Other U.S. O.T.O. bodies
Chap Books

These small books are original publications of the Scarlet Woman Lodge Publications Project. There are a wide range of topics, from reprints from antiquity to unique works of Lodge members. This is just the beginning of our chap books project, so be sure to come back to see if more are available.

These are all available for purchase, either in person at our temple or online using PayPal (it's free and you no longer need to have an account).


The Templar Order The Templar Order
by John Yarker

Although never a member of O.T.O., Br. Yarker was one of the pivotal characters in our founding years, having influenced Theodor Reuss, the first OHO of the Order. The Templar Order addresses the history of the original Order of the Temple, with implications regarding the development of Templarism in the origins of O.T.O.

Precious Stone The Precious Stone
by Sir Edward Kelly, with Elias Ashmole

Includes the alchemical poetry of Edward Kelly: his "Worke" and "Concerning the Philosopher's Stone, Written To His Especiall Good Friend G.S. Gent"; also, alchemical extracts from Kelly's correspondence; and Ashmole's biography of Kelly. Of historical interest relative to both Saints Kelly and Ashmole, as well as containing alchemical arcana.

Seasonal Celebrations Seasonal Celebrations of
the Barking God Project

by Paradoxos Alpha

Includes the full rituals of the Feasts of the Cross-Quarters—Feast of the Stars, Feast of Cattle, Feast of the Lion-Serpent, and Feast of the Dragon, with explication of the material. Also includes the Liturgy of the Word of the Law, a non-eucharistic ceremony. Missals for popular response are included as templates for making copies.