Content-type: text/html X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.9 Scarlet Woman Lodge, O.T.O. | C.P.M. Library
U.S. O.T.O. Grand Lodge
Other U.S. O.T.O. bodies
Criss Piss Memorial Library

The Criss Piss Memorial Library is a private library (including books, periodicals, videos, and audio CDs), with well over 700 books, for study and reference by the members of Scarlet Woman Lodge. It is maintained at the temple space, and is accessible immediately following most regular Lodge events.

Who was Criss Piss?

Criss Piss was the monicker of Richard Christopher Legener, a Master Magician of O.T.O. who died of lung cancer while a member of Scarlet Woman Oasis in 1996 e.v. Born in 1954 (Sun in Sagittarius), he was an artist in many media. He was a musician, and his band involvements included Creeping Things, Circle Kaos, and Ex Pistos. In his music, and in his daily discourse, he was an aggressive critic of the political establishment and religious hypocrisy.

He joined the Order in Berkeley, California, taking his Minerval Degree at Thelema Lodge, where he also organized classes and rituals. His esoteric interests were reflected in his music and his drawings.

Criss willed his substantial personal library to Scarlet Woman Oasis, and it became the foundation of our current collection. He is survived by his wife Ariadne, his son Alex, and his step-daughter Becky. Ariadne was the original librarian, and she hosted regular library nights at her own apartment for a while, until the collection moved to the then-new Austin O.T.O. Temple.

Who can borrow books?

Initiate members of Scarlet Woman Lodge have check out privileges.

How do I check out a book?

All library materials must be checked out by completing a checkout form and through the signature of a witnessing lodge member. This information will be kept confidential within the lodge. Materials will become due two (2) months from the date of checkout. You may consult the circulation calendar to determine the due date of your materials. Once two months has been reached, the materials either need to be checked back into the library's circulation, or the checkout needs to be renewed. If neither option is available, please notify the SWL Librarian. If library materials have not been returned or renewed by the due date, and the SWL Librarian has not been contacted, the Librarian will contact the borrower and inquire about the materials.

How do I return the book I checked out?

When you return your borrowed materials, locate your original checkout form, fill in the return date, and have your checkin witnessed. Library material loans may be renewed for one month at a time extensions by notifying and getting approval from a lodge officer and noting the renewal on your original checkout form.

How can I donate books to the library?

Please contact the Lodge Master or any Lodge officer for details.