About Us
Scarlet Woman Lodge
Scarlet Woman Lodge—founded in 1993 and located in the Valley
of Austin Texas—is a local body of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.)
under charter from U.S.
Grand Lodge. We are a fraternal, initiatory organization—similar
to Freemasonry and the ancient mystery schools—that has accepted
the Law of Thelema as
revealed in The
Book of the Law.
The Lodge administers the initial degrees
(0°–P.I.) in the Order's graded system of initiations. In the
rituals of these degrees, O.T.O. seeks to instruct the individual by
allegory and symbol in the profound mysteries of Nature, and thereby
to assist each to discover his or her own true Identity. Find
out more.
Our Sanctuary is the church environment
wherein we celebrate our ecclesiastical ceremonies—most especially The
Gnostic Mass.
our formal rituals and celebrations, we perform numerous other events
and projects. These include a tradition of ritual theatre stretching
back to 1995, which began with seven years of performing The Rites
of Eleusis. We also hold social events; perform original ritual;
hold classes for everything from astrology to yoga; publish a journal, The
Scarlet Letter; and other various projects that develop and extend
Thelemic culture.
Scarlet Woman Lodge represents an active community of Thelemites with
various backgrounds, interests, and occupations. We believe that “the
Law is for All” and so we welcome any individual who is sincerely
interested in the Great Work. We do not discriminate based on race,
gender, sexual orientation, handicap, or religious beliefs. Becoming
a formal member of the Lodge by way of initiation is restricted only
to being “of full age, free, and of good report.”
Our members participate in the community in numerous ways and all such
participation is solely at the discretion
of each member. One of our central goals is to provide opportunities
for self-exploration through rewarding experiences and service to a growing