About Us
Events & Projects

Scarlet Woman Lodge hosts and supports a variety of projects and manifestations of Thelemic culture. Besides what's listed here, the Lodge hosts many types of events, such as original ritual, fundraisers, and temple improvement projects. The following list includes some of our more conspicuous projects.

Initiatory Rites

Scarlet Woman Lodge administers the Man of Earth degrees (Minerval through P.I.) and hosts several initiatory rites beyond that, including the bridge degree, Knight of the East and West (KEW). Go here to explore more about the initiatory structure of O.T.O. If you are interested in taking the Minerval degree, here is a lengthy FAQ.

Ecclesiastical Rites

Circle of Stars Sanctuary, the “church” of the Lodge, hosts regular celebrations of the Gnostic Mass, as well as other official ceremonies, including Baptisms, Confirmations, and Ordinations. The Sanctuary also hosts other “non-official” events, such as weddings and unique rituals (such as Liturgy 93).

Classes & Workshops

The Lodge has a long tradition of offering educational events in many different areas, including astrology, the Qabala, goetia, the Tarot, yoga, study groups (such as for initiations or Crowley's Magick, Book 4), and many others. Check out the calendar page to see what's happening now.

Ritual Theatre

Scarlet Woman Lodge has hosted full productions of Ritual Theatre every season since 1995. A revival of Aleister Crowley's Rites of Eleusis composed the first seven seasons, where we staged seven different plays, one every five days, moving through an entire cycle of planetary energies in a single month. We have also explored ritual theatre with two seasons of original plays. We are not currently persuing theatrical work at this time, but who knows what the future will hold.

The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter is the journal of the Lodge, featuring original prose, poetry, art, ritual, and more. You can read back issues of the online edition of The Scarlet Letter and find out how to contribute.

Social Events

The Lodge has a vibrant social community, and we often get together to celebrate. Formal events include lodge meetings and feasts for Thelemic holidays. We also have many informal parties, get-togethers, and events that are open to lodge members and guests.

Criss Piss Memorial Library

The Criss Piss Memorial Library has over 800 volumes, periodicals, and ephemera on Thelema, the occult, and related topics. It is housed at the Valley of Austin O.T.O. Temple. Lodge members have circulation privileges for most of the collection. Visit the CPML website.

Io Pan Jam

Io Pan Jam was a long time project of the lodge. It was a camping festival for Thelemites that was held every year in the Texas hill country. We still have occasional Thelemic Retreats at various locations in the hill country.