Criss Piss Memorial Library

787 volumes listed alphabetically by Title

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | X | Y | Z | numeric

Title: A.D. 1991: the genesis of holocaust
Author: Hall, R. Henry
Year: 1985
City: Los Vegas
Publisher: Spirit of Prophecy Evangelical Ministries
Number of Pages: 358
ISBN: 0-930351-01-0

Title: A. E. Waite: selected Masonic papers
Author: Dunning, Edward
Year: 1988
City: Wellingborough (UK)
Publisher: The Aquarian Press
Number of Pages: 188
ISBN: 0-85030-613-2

Title: AEgypt
Author: Crowley, John
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 390
ISBN: 0-553-34592-3

Title: Against the grain
Author: Huysmans, J. K.
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 206
ISBN: 0-486-2290-3

Title: Agartha
Author: Dickhoff, Robert Ernst
Year: 1951
City: Boston
Publisher: Bruce Humphries Inc.
Number of Pages: 106
Reprint Edition: Reprinted in 1964 by Health Research, Hokelumne Hill, CA.

Title: The age of Alexander
Author: Plutarch
Year: 1973
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 443
ISBN: 0-14-044286-3

Title: The age of nationalism and reform, 1850-1890
Author: Rich, Norman
Year: 1977
City: New York
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co.
Number of Pages: 270
ISBN: 0-393-09183-X

Title: The age of revolution and reaction, 1789-1850
Author: Breunig, Charles
Year: 1977
City: New York
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co.
Number of Pages: 304
ISBN: 0-393-09143-0

Title: The ageless wisdom of life
Author: Codd, Clara M.
Year: 1962
City: Adyar (India)
Publisher: The Theosophical Publishing House
Number of Pages: 267

Title: The akashic record player
Author: Alli, Antero
Year: 1988
City: Las Vegas
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 147
ISBN: 0-941404-91-9

Title: The alchemist
Author: Johnson, Ben
Number of Pages: 65
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Aleister Crowley and the practice of the magical diary
Editor: Wasserman, James
Year: 1993
City: Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 174
ISBN: 1-56184-068-8

Title: Aleister Crowley Tarot-set, Handbuch, & 80 Karten
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1997
Secondary Author: Harris, Freida
Secondary Title: Tarot: Spiegel der Seele
Place Published: Neuhausen (Germany)
Publisher: Urania Verlags AG
ISBN/ISSN: 3-908646-11-1

Journal: The Drama Review

Title: Aleister Crowley's "Rites of Eleusis"
Author: Brown, J. F.
Year: 1978
Volume: 22
Issue: 2
Date: June, 1978

Title: Ali Sloper or the forty liars
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1990
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Number of Pages: [26]
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Altered states of consciousness
Editor: Tart, Charles T.
Year: 1972
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Anchor Books
Number of Pages: 589
ISBN: 0-385-06728-3

Title: American Christianity: an historical interpretation with representative documents
Editor: Smith, H. Shelton
Year: 1960
City: New York
Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
Volume: I
Number of Pages: 615

Title: American Christianity: an historical interpretation with representative documents
Editor: Smith, H. Shelton
Year: 1963
City: New York
Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
Volume: II
Number of Pages: 634

Title: American Journal of Sociology
Year: 1983
Place Published: Chicago
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Volume: 88
Number: 6

Title: The anatomy of chage: east/west approaches to body/mind therapy
Author: Heckler, Richard Strozzi
Year: 1984
City: Boston
Publisher: Shambhala Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 138
ISBN: 0-394-72703-7

Title: Ancient and medieval warfare
Editor: Griess, Thomas E.
Year: 1984
City: Wayne, NJ
Publisher: The Avery Publishing Group, Inc.
Number of Pages: 124
ISBN: 0-89529-262-9

Title: The ancient Egyptian book of the dead
Editor: Andrews, Carol
Year: 1990
City: Austin, TX
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Number of Pages: 192
ISBN: 0-292-70425-9

Title: Anthem
Author: Rand, Ayn
Year: 1946
City: New York
Publisher: Signet Books
Number of Pages: 123

Title: Antonin Artaud, selected writings
Author: Artaud, Antonin
Year: 1976
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: University of California Press
Number of Pages: 661
ISBN: 0-520-06443-7

Title: ApaTheosis
Year: 1989
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Volume: I(6)

Title: ApaTheosis
Year: 1990
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Volume: II(2)

Title: Apocalypse culture
Editor: Parfrey, Adam
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: Amok Press
Number of Pages: 272
ISBN: 0-941693-02-3

Title: The aquarian conspiracy
Author: Ferguson, Marilyn
Year: 1980
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: J. P. Tarcher, Inc.
Number of Pages: 460
ISBN: 0-87477-458-6

Title: Arafat
City: Karachi
Publisher: P.N.O. Seerat Committee
Notes: Work in Arabic

Title: Arcana mundi
Author: Luck, Georg
Year: 1985
City: Baltimore, MD
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Number of Pages: 395
ISBN: 0-8018-2548-2

Title: Arktos: the polar myth in science, symbolism, and Nazi survival
Author: Godwin, Jocelyn
Year: 1993
City: Grand Rapids, MI
Publisher: Phanes Press
Number of Pages: 260
ISBN: 0-933999-46-1

Title: Ars magica
Author: Tarr, Judith
Year: 1989
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 210

Title: Art, messianism, and crime
Author: Martin, Stoddard
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Number of Pages: 218
ISBN: 0-312-05271-5

Title: The artists way: a spiritual path to higher creativity
Author: Cameron, Julia
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Putnam
Number of Pages: 219
ISBN: 0-87477-694-5

Title: As the light shineth from the east
Author: Muhammad, Wallace Deen
Year: 1980
City: Chicago, IL
Publisher: WDM Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 242

Title: Assasination: Robert F. Kennedy, 1925-1968
Editor: Klagsbrun, Francine
Year: 1968
City: New York
Publisher: Cowles Education Corporation
Number of Pages: 272

Title: Assault on Nicaragua: the untold story of the 'secret war'
Author: Sheehan, Daneil
Year: 1987
Secondary Author: Ortega, Danial
Place Published: San Francisco
Publisher: Walnut Publishing Co.
Pages: 115

Title: Autobiography of a yogi
Author: Yogananda, Paramahansa
Year: 1974
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Self-Realization Fellowship
Number of Pages: 591
ISBN: 0-87612-079-6

Title: Autobiography of a yogi
Author: Yogananda, Paramahansa
Year: 1993
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Self-Realization Fellowship
Number of Pages: 592
ISBN: 0-87612-079-6
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: The awakening of kundalini
Author: Krishna, Gopi
Year: 1975
City: New York
Publisher: E. P. Dutton
Number of Pages: 127
ISBN: 0-525-47398-X

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Title: The Baha'i faith
Author: Faizi, Gloria
Year: 1972
City: Wilmette, IL
Publisher: Baha'i Publishing Trust
Number of Pages: 122

Title: Bahu'u'llah and the new era
Author: Esslemont, J. E.
Year: 1980
City: Wilmette, IL
Publisher: Baha'i Publishing Trust
Number of Pages: 300
ISBN: 0-87743-160-4

Title: Baphomet's meteor
Author: Barbet, Pierre
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Daw Books
Number of Pages: 144

Title: Basic teachings of the great philosophers
Author: S. E. Frost, Jr.
Year: 1962
City: New York
Publisher: Anchor Books
Number of Pages: 301
ISBN: 0-385-03007-X

Title: The battle for the mind
Author: LaHaye, Tim
Year: 1980
City: Old Tappan, NJ
Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Co.
Number of Pages: 247
ISBN: 0-8007-5043-8

Title: The beast of the Haitian hills
Author: Thoby0Marcelin, Philippe
Year: 1986
Secondary Author: Marcelin, Pierre
Place Published: San Francisco
Publisher: City Lights Books
Pages: 179
ISBN/ISSN: 0-87286-189-9

Title: The beautiful, the wonderful, and the wise
Author: Chapin, L. N.
Year: 1888
City: Chicago
Publisher: L. P. Miller & Co.
Number of Pages: 518

Title: Being and nothingness
Author: Sartre, Jean-Paul
Year: 1966
City: New York
Publisher: Washington Square Press
Number of Pages: 783

Title: The best of the Realist
Editor: Krassner, Paul
Year: 1984
City: Philadelphia
Publisher: Running Press
Number of Pages: 256
ISBN: 0-89471-87-X

Title: Bhagavad-gita as it is
Author: Bhaktivedanta, Swami A.C.
Year: 1972
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
Number of Pages: 330
ISBN: 0-912776-80-3

Title: The black man: the father of civilization
Author: Webb, James Morris
Year: 1984
City: San Francisco
Publisher: Julian Richardson Associates
Number of Pages: 49

Title: The blind watchmaker
Author: Dawkins, Richard
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co.
Number of Pages: 332
ISBN: 0-393-30448-5

Title: Blood lust: conversations with real vampires
Author: Page, Carol
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: HarperCollins
Number of Pages: 192
ISBN: 0-06-016329-1

Title: Blood secrets
Author: Oke, Isaiah
Year: 1989
City: Buffalo, NY
Publisher: Prometheus Books
Number of Pages: 235
ISBN: 0-87975-568-7

Title: Bodymind
Author: Dychtwald, Ken
Year: 1986
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.
Number of Pages: 300
ISBN: 0-87477-375-X
Reprint Edition: Originally published by Pantheon Books, 1977.

Title: The bonds of marriage & the suffragette: two farcical dramas
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Edition: Facsimile ed.
Original Publication: 1918

Title: Book 4
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1980
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 125
ISBN: 0-87728-513-6
Original Publication: London, 1913

Title: Book 4
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1980
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 123
ISBN: 0-87728-513-6
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: The book of ceremonial magic
Author: Waite, Arthur Edward
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Citadel Press
Number of Pages: 337
ISBN: 0-8065-0208-8

Title: The book of lies
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1980
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 196
ISBN: 0-87728-516-0
Original Publication: London, 1913

Title: The book of lost tales
Author: Tokien, J. R. R.
Year: 1984
City: Boston
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Number of Pages: 297

Title: The book of Mormon
Translator: Smith, Joseph
Year: 1985
City: Salt Lake City
Publisher: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Number of Pages: 779

Title: The book of revelation: deciphered
Author: Cambra, Walter C.
Year: 1985
Number of Pages: 15

Title: The book of splendours
Author: Levi, Eliphas
Year: 1984
City: York Beach, MN
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 191
ISBN: 0-87728-614-0

Title: The book of the lover and the beloved
Author: Lull, Ramon
Translator: Peers, E. Allison
Year: 1923
City: New York
Publisher: The Macmillan Co.
Number of Pages: 115

Title: The book of the sacred magic of Abramelin the mage
Translator: Mathers, S. L. MacGregor
Year: 1975
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 267
ISBN: 0-486-23211-5

Title: The book of the sub-genius
Author: Foundation, The Subgenius
Year: 1983
City: Dallas
Publisher: The SubGenius Foundation
ISBN: 0-07-062229-9

Title: The boomer bible
Author: Laird, Robert
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Workman Publishing
ISBN: 1-56305-075-7

Title: Born of a woman: a bishop rethinks the birth of Jesus
Author: Spong, John Shelby
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Number of Pages: 245
ISBN: 0-06-067513-6

Title: The boundaries of eros
Author: Rugiero, Guido
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Number of Pages: 223
ISBN: 0-19-505696-5

Title: Brain power
Author: Albrecht, Karl
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: Fireside
Number of Pages: 312
ISBN: 0-671-76198-6

Title: Brazilian magic: is it the answer?
Author: McGregor, Pedro
Year: 1976
City: London
Publisher: Sphere Books Ltd.
Number of Pages: 206

Title: Breaking the circle of Satanic ritual abuse
Author: Ryder, Daniel
Year: 1992
City: Minneapolis
Publisher: CompCare Publishers
Number of Pages: 265
ISBN: 0-89638-258-3

Title: Breatharianism
Author: Brooks, Wiley
Year: 1982
Secondary Author: Foss, Nancy
Place Published: Arvada, CA
Publisher: Breatharian International, Inc.
Pages: 147

Title: Breezes from the orient
Author: Harris, Ira Francis
Year: 1913
City: Boston
Publisher: The Colonial Press
Number of Pages: 148

Title: Brotherhood of Mt. Shasta
Author: Thomas, Eugene E.
Year: 1946
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: DeVorss & Co.
Number of Pages: 307
Reprint Edition: Reprinted 1974 by Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, CA.

Title: The bullfight in words and pictures
Author: Barrera, Manuel
Year: 1956
City: Hebbronville, TX
Publisher: Barrera Publications
Number of Pages: 55
Edition: 2nd ed.

Title: Burton: Arabian nights adventurer
Author: Downey, Fairfax
Year: 1938
City: New York
Publisher: Modern Age Books
Number of Pages: 155

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Title: A call for revolution
Author: Gross, Martin L.
Year: 1993
City: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Number of Pages: 279
ISBN: 0-345-38773-2

Title: Call it conspiracy
Author: Abraham, Larry
Year: 1985
City: Seattle
Publisher: Double A Publications
Number of Pages: 325
ISBN: 0-9615550-0-9

Title: Cannibalism: human aggression and cultural form
Author: Sagan, Eli
Year: 1974
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Row
Number of Pages: 148
ISBN: 06-136154-2

Title: The care of devils
Author: Press, Sylvia
Year: 1958
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 218

Title: Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky
Author: Ginenthal, Charles
Year: 1995
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 448
ISBN: 1-56184-075-0

Title: Casebook on Alternative 3: UFOs, secret societies and world control
Author: Keith, Jim
Year: 1994
City: Lilburn, GA
Publisher: IllumiNet Press
Number of Pages: 160
ISBN: 0-9626534-9-7

Title: The center of the cyclone: an autobiography of inner space
Author: Lilly, John C.
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 234

Title: The chalice and the blade
Author: Eisler, Riane
Year: 1995
City: New York
Publisher: HarperCollins
Number of Pages: 271
ISBN: 0-06-250289-1

Title: Chaos
Author: Gleick, James
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 352
ISBN: 0-14-009250-1

Title: A child of eternity
Author: Rocha, Adriana
Year: 1995
Secondary Author: Jorde, Kristi
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Pages: 299
ISBN/ISSN: 0-345-38945-X

Title: The children of Sanchez
Author: Lewis, Oscar
Year: 1964
City: London
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 507

Title: Christ and Krishna
Author: Bkahtipada
Year: 1987
City: Moundsville, WV
Publisher: Palace Publishing
Number of Pages: 180
ISBN: 0-932215-03-3

Title: The "Christian identity" movement
Author: Zeskind, Leonard
Year: 1986
Publisher: The Divison of Church and Society of the Nat'l. Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 52

Title: Christianity in crisis: new hope
Author: Moon, Sun Myung
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
Number of Pages: 160
ISBN: 0-910-62151-9

Title: Chuang-tzu: the inner chapters
Author: Graham, A. C.
Year: 1989
City: London
Publisher: Mandala Books
Number of Pages: 293
ISBN: 0-04-299013-0

Title: The city of dreadful night
Author: Thomson, James
Year: 1938
City: London
Publisher: Watts & Co.
Number of Pages: 110

Title: Clausen's commentaries on "Morals and Dogma"
Author: Clausen, Henry C.
Year: 1974
City: San Diego
Publisher: The Supreme Council, 33*, A.A.S.R. of F. Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 206

Title: Close encounters
Author: McNay, Roxi Iain
Year: 1991
City: London
Publisher: The Roximillion Publications Co.
Number of Pages: 323
ISBN: 0-9517206-1-9

Title: The clown
Author: Boll, Heinrich
Translator: Vennewitz, Leila
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Number of Pages: 247

Title: The code of the warrior
Author: Fields, Rick
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: HarperPerennial
Number of Pages: 339
ISBN: 0-06-096605-X

Title: The collected works of Aleister Crowley
Author: Crowley, Aleister
City: Des Plaines, Ill.
Publisher: Yogi Publication Society
Volume: Vol. I
Number of Volumes: III
Number of Pages: 269
ISBN: 0-911662-51-0

Title: The colonial harem
Author: Alloula, Malek
Translator: Godzich, Myrna and Wlad
Year: 1986
City: Minneapolis
Publisher: University of Minnesota
Number of Pages: 135
ISBN: 0-8166-1348-2

Title: The Columbia history of the world
Editor: Garraty, John A.
Year: 1981
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Row
Number of Pages: 1237
ISBN: 0-88029-004-8

Title: The coming revolution
Author: Callison, Bill
Number of Pages: 496

Title: Commentaries on living
Author: Krishnamurti, J.
Year: 1956
City: Wheaton, IL
Publisher: Quest Books
Number of Pages: 254
ISBN: 0-8356-0390-3

Title: The complete plays of Aristophanes
Editor: Hadas, Moses
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 501

Title: The complete poetry & prose of William Blake
Author: Blake, William
Year: 1982
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Anchor Books
Number of Pages: 990
Edition: New rev. ed.
ISBN: 0-385-15213-2

Title: Complete sonnets
Author: Shakespeare, William
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications
Number of Pages: 74
ISBN: 0-486-26686-9

Title: The complete works of Lyof N. Tolstoi
Author: Tolstoi, Lyof N.
Year: 1899
City: New York
Publisher: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
Number of Pages: 379

Title: The complete works of Rabelais
Translator: LeClercq, Jacques
Year: 1944
City: New York
Publisher: Modern Library
Number of Pages: 841

Title: Comte de Gabalis
Author: Villars, N. de Montfaucon de
City: Mokelumne Hill, CA
Publisher: Health Research
Number of Pages: 352
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Conan
Author: Howard, Robert E.
Year: 1967
Secondary Author: Camp, L. Sprague de
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Ace Books
Pages: 221
Tertiary Author: Carter, Lin

Title: Conan the adventurer
Author: Howard, Robert E.
Year: 1966
Secondary Author: Camp, L. Sprague de
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Ace Fantasy Books
Pages: 224
ISBN/ISSN: 0-441-11464-4

Title: Conan the buccaneer
Author: Camp, L. Sprague de
Year: 1971
Secondary Author: Carter, Lin
Publisher: Ace Books
Pages: 191

Title: Conan the conqueror
Author: Howard, Robert E.
Year: 1967
Publisher: Sphere Books Ltd.
Number of Pages: 191

Title: Conan the free lance
Author: Perry, Steve
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
Number of Pages: 279
ISBN: 0-812-50690-1

Title: Conan the magnificent
Author: Jordan, Robert
Year: 1984
City: New York
Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
Number of Pages: 286
ISBN: 0-812-50099-7

Title: Conan the valorous
Author: Roberts, John Maddox
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
Number of Pages: 280
ISBN: 0-812-54252-5

Title: Conan the victorious
Author: Jordan, Robert
Year: 1984
City: New York
Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
Number of Pages: 280
ISBN: 0-812-54246-0

Title: Conan the wanderer
Author: Howard, Robert E.
Year: 1968
Secondary Author: Camp, L. Sprague de
Publisher: Prestige Books, Inc.
Pages: 222
Tertiary Author: Carter, Lin

Title: A concise etymological dictionary of the English language
Author: Skeat, Walter W.
Year: 1984
City: London
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Number of Pages: 663
ISBN: 0-19-863105-7
Original Publication: First impression 1882.

Title: Concordance of the book of the law
Author: Jordan, Michael
Year: 1995
Number of Pages: 220

Title: The confessions of Aleister Crowley
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 960

Title: The confessions of Aleister Crowley
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 960
ISBN: 0-14-019189-5
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: The conspiracy: the Chicago 8 speak out
Editor: Babcox, Peter and Deborah
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: Dell Books
Number of Pages: 224

Title: Cosmic coincidences
Author: Gribbin, John R.
Year: 1989
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 302
ISBN: 0-553-05730-8

Title: Cosmic trigger volume I
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1977
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 269
ISBN: 1-56184-003-3

Title: Cosmic trigger volume II
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1991
City: Scottsdale, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 256
ISBN: 1-56184-011-4

Title: Cosmic trigger volume II
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1995
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 255
ISBN: 1-56184-011-4
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: Cosmic trigger volume III
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1995
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 247
ISBN: 1-56184-112-9

Title: Cosmic trigger volume III
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1995
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 245
ISBN: 1-56184-112-9
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: A course in miracles
Year: 1992
City: Glen Ellen, CA
Publisher: Foundation for Inner Peace
ISBN: 0-9606388-8-1

Title: The covenant law
Author: Covenant, Cymric Order of the
Year: 1949
City: New York
Publisher: The Cymric Order of the Covenant
Number of Pages: 166

Title: The cream of the jest
Author: Cabell, James Branch
Year: 1917
City: New York
Publisher: Modern Library
Number of Pages: 250

Title: Crime as work
Author: Letkemann, Peter
Year: 1973
City: Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Number of Pages: 182
ISBN: 0-13-192922-4

Title: The Croker papers
Editor: Jennings, Louis J.
Year: 1884
City: New York
Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons

Title: Crux ansata: an indictment of the Roman Catholic church
Author: Wells, H. G.
Year: 1944
City: New York
Publisher: Agora Publishing
Number of Pages: 143

Title: Cry for war: the story of Suzan and Michael Carson
Author: Reynolds, Richard D.
Year: 1987
City: San Francisco
Publisher: Squibob Press, Inc.
Number of Pages: 351
ISBN: 0-9618577-2-2

Title: Crystal gazing & spiritual clairvoyance
Author: Laurence, L. W. de
Year: 1913
City: Chicago, IL
Publisher: The de Laurence Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 95

Title: Culloden
Author: Prebble, John
Year: 1967
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 360
ISBN: 0-14-002576-6

Title: Cults that kill
Author: Kahaner, Larry
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Warner Books
Number of Pages: 280
ISBN: 0-446-51375-X

Title: Cuneiform
Author: Walker, C. B. F.
Year: 1987
Series Title: Reading the past
Publisher: University of California Press
Number of Pages: 62
ISBN: 0-520-06115-2

Title: The curse of the oval room
Author: Leary, Timothy
Year: 1974
City: New York
Publisher: High Times Press
Number of Pages: 31

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Title: Dali
Author: Descharnes, Robert
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Number of Pages: 127
ISBN: 0-8109-0830-1

Title: Dangerous visions
Author: Ellison, Harlan
Year: 1967
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Doubleday & Co.
Number of Pages: 544

Title: Dark robes dark brothers
Author: Hilarion
Year: 1981
City: Toronto
Publisher: Marcus Books
Number of Pages: 48

Title: A day in the life: tales from the lower east side
Editor: Moore, Alan
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Evil Eye Books
Number of Pages: 168
ISBN: 0-936556-22-6

Title: The death of al-Hallaj
Author: Mason, Herbert
Year: 1979
City: London
Publisher: University of Notre Dame Press
Number of Pages: 81
ISBN: 0-268-00843-4

Title: Death on the installment plan
Author: Celine, Louis-Ferdinand
Translator: Manheim, Ralph
Year: 1966
City: New York
Publisher: New Directions Books
Number of Pages: 592
ISBN: 0-8112-0017-5

Title: Deathtripping: the cinema of transgression
Author: Sargeant, Jack
Year: 1995
City: San Francisco
Publisher: Creation Books
Number of Pages: 252
ISBN: 1-871592-29-1

Title: Decade: the 1990s
Author: Curl, John
Year: 1987
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Mother's Hen
Number of Pages: 24
ISBN: 0-914370-57-X

Title: Defense of Madame Blavatsky
Author: Hastings, Beatrice
Year: 1937
City: Worthing (U.K.)
Publisher: The Hastings Press
Number of Pages: 60

Title: Democracy for the few
Author: Parenti, Michael
Year: 1983
City: New York
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Number of Pages: 368
ISBN: 0-312-19358-0

Title: The demon lover: on the sexuality of terrorism
Author: Morgan, Robin
Year: 1989
City: New York
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co.
Number of Pages: 395
ISBN: 0-395-02642-6

Title: Den of thieves
Author: Stewart, James B.
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Number of Pages: 587
ISBN: 0-671-79227-X

Title: Deus irae
Author: Dick, Philip K.
Year: 1976
Secondary Author: Zelazny, Roger
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Dell Publishing Co.
Pages: 238
ISBN/ISSN: 0-440-11838-7

Title: Deus X
Author: Spinrad, Norman
Year: 1993
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 177
ISBN: 0-553-29677-9

Title: The devil drives
Author: Brodie, Fawn M.
Year: 1967
City: New York
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co.
Number of Pages: 390
ISBN: 0-393-30166-4

Title: Diabetes and hypoglycemia
Author: Murray, Michael T.
Year: 1994
City: Rocklin, CA
Publisher: Prima Publishing
Number of Pages: 164
ISBN: 1-5958-426-2

Title: Diary of a drug fiend
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1970
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 368
ISBN: 0-87728-146-7
Original Publication: London, 1922

Title: The diary of Anais Nin
Editor: Stuhlman, Gunther
Year: 1966
City: New York
Publisher: Harvest Books
Number of Pages: 366
ISBN: 0-15-626025-5

Title: Diet for a new America
Author: Robbins, John
Year: 1987
City: Walpole, HN
Publisher: Stillpoint Publishing
Number of Pages: 423
ISBN: 0-913299-54-5

Title: The dimensions of healing: a symposium
Year: 1972
City: Los Altos, CA
Publisher: The Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine
Number of Pages: 172

Title: The divine providence
Author: Swedenborg, Emanuel
Year: 1931
City: New York
Publisher: Swedenborg Foundation Inc.
Number of Pages: 614

Title: Domestic intelligence
Author: Morgan, Richard E.
Year: 1980
City: Austin, TX
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Number of Pages: 194
ISBN: 0-292-76463-4

Title: Domnei
Author: Cabell, James Branch
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Del Rey Books
Number of Pages: 219
ISBN: 0-345-28171-3

Title: Dossier: the secret files they keep on you
Author: Neier, Aryeh
Year: 1974
City: New York
Publisher: Stein & Day
Number of Pages: 216
ISBN: 0-8128-1880-6

Title: Drawing down the moon
Author: Adler, Margot
Year: 1986
City: Boston
Publisher: Beacon Press
Number of Pages: 595
ISBN: 0-8070-3253-0

Title: Drawing on the right side of the brain
Author: Edwards, Betty
Year: 1989
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.
Number of Pages: 254
ISBN: 0-87477-513-2

Title: The dreaded gom-boo, or the imaginary disease that religion seeks to cure
Author: John, Da Free
Year: 1983
City: Clearlake, CA
Publisher: Dawn Horse Press
Number of Pages: 400
ISBN: 0-913922-74-9

Title: The dream game
Author: Faraday, Ann
Year: 1974
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Row
Number of Pages: 381
ISBN: 0-06-080371-1

Title: Drudgery divine: on the comparison of early Christianities and the religions of late antiquity
Author: Smith, Jonathan Z.
Year: 1990
City: Chicago
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Number of Pages: 143
ISBN: 0-226-76363-3

Title: Duncan's ritual of Freemasonry
Author: Duncan, Malcolm C.
City: New York
Publisher: David McKay Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 281
Edition: 3rd. ed.
ISBN: 0-679-50626-8

Return to top of catalog

Title: Early Irish myths and sagas
Year: 1981
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 280
ISBN: 0-14-044397-5

Title: Earth in the balance
Author: Gore, Al
Year: 1993
City: New York
Publisher: Plume Books
Number of Pages: 407
ISBN: 0-452-26935-0

Title: Earth in upheaval
Author: Velikovsky, Immanuel
Year: 1977
City: New York
Publisher: Pocket Books
Number of Pages: 284
ISBN: 0-671-81064-2

Title: The Edgar Cayce primer
Author: Puryear, Herbert B.
Year: 1982
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 247
ISBN: 0-553-35278-X

Title: The edge of evil
Author: Johnston, Jerry
Year: 1989
City: Dallas
Publisher: Word Publishing
Number of Pages: 276
ISBN: 0-8499-0668-7

Title: Egyptian magic
Author: Budge, Wallis
City: New York, NY
Publisher: University Books
Number of Pages: 234

Title: Egyptian Masonic history of the original and unabridged ancient and ninety-six degree rite of Memphis
Author: Burt, Calvin C.
City: Kila, MT
Publisher: Kessinger
Number of Pages: 350
ISBN: 1-56459-341-X

Title: Eight lectures on yoga
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1987
City: Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 80
ISBN: 0-941404-36-6

Title: Eight lectures on yoga
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 128
ISBN: 1-56184-007-6
Original Publication: London, 1939

Title: Eight lectures on yoga
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 128
Edition: Rev. ed.
ISBN: 1-56184-007-6
Original Publication: London, 1939
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: Elements of Hebrew
Author: Harper, William R.
Year: 1059
City: Chicago
Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Number of Pages: 204

Title: The elixer of life
Author: George, Saint
Year: 1960
City: Cook Falls, NY
Publisher: Faith Farm
Number of Pages: 62

Title: Elvis, his spiritual journey
Author: Stearn, Jess
Year: 1982
City: Norfolk, VA
Publisher: Donning
Number of Pages: 253
ISBN: 0-89865-198-0

Title: The Elvis sightings
Author: Eicher, Peter
Year: 1993
City: New York
Publisher: Avon Books
Number of Pages: 209
ISBN: 0-380-77205-1

Title: The encyclical "humanae vitae": a sign of contradiction
Author: Hildebrand, Dietrich von
Year: 1969
City: Chicago
Publisher: Franciscan Herald Press
Number of Pages: 89

Title: The encyclopedia of ancient and forbidden knowledge
Author: Zolar
Year: 1970
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Nash Publishing
Number of Pages: 394

Title: The encyclopedia of essential knowledge
Author: McCabe, Joseph
Year: 1948
City: Girard, KS
Publisher: Haldeman-Julius Publications
Number of Pages: 90

Title: The encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology
Author: Robbins, Rossell Hope
Year: 1959
City: New York
Publisher: Bonanza Books
Number of Pages: 557
ISBN: 0-517-362457

Title: Endless life: selected poems
Author: Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Year: 1981
City: New York
Publisher: New Directions Books
Number of Pages: 215
ISBN: 0-8112-0797-8

Title: The Enochian evocation of Dr. John Dee
Author: James, Geoffrey
Year: 1984
City: Gillette, NJ
Publisher: Heptangle Books
Number of Pages: 204
ISBN: 0-935214-06-2

Title: The Enochian magick of Dr. John Dee
Editor: James, Geoffrey
Year: 1994
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 204
ISBN: 1-56718-367-0

Title: Enochian world of Aleister Crowley
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
Secondary Author: Duquette, Lon Milo
Secondary Title: Enochian sex magick
Place Published: Scottsdale, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Pages: 162
Tertiary Author: Hyatt, Christopher S.
ISBN/ISSN: 1-56184-029-7

Title: Enochian world of Aleister Crowley
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
Secondary Author: Duquette, Lon Milo
Place Published: Scottsdale, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Pages: 162
Tertiary Author: Hyatt, Christopher S.
ISBN/ISSN: 1-56184-029-7
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: Enochian yoga
Author: Schuler, Gerald and Betty
Year: 1990
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 296
ISBN: 0-87542-718-9

Title: Entering the path of enlightenment
Author: Santideva
Translator: Matics, Marion L.
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: The Macmillan Co.
Number of Pages: 318

Title: The epic of universal history
Author: McCabe, Joseph
Year: 1948
City: Girard, KS
Publisher: Haldeman-Julius Publications
Number of Pages: 96

Title: The equinox & solstice ceremonies of the Golden Dawn
Author: Zalewski, Pat
Year: 1992
Secondary Author: Zalewski, Chris
Place Published: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Pages: 163
ISBN/ISSN: 0-87542-899-1

Title: The Equinox I(I)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: [393]
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1909

Title: The Equinox I(II)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 397
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1909

Title: The Equinox I(III)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: [407]
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1910

Title: The Equinox III(I)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: [439]
ISBN: 0-87728-210-2
Original Publication: Detroit, 1919

Title: The Equinox I(IV)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 113
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1910

Title: The Equinox I(IX)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 312
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1913

Title: The Equinox I(V)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 176
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1911

Title: The Equinox I(VI)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 124
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1911

Title: The Equinox I(VII)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 424
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1912

Title: The Equinox I(VIII)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 258
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1912

Title: The Equinox I(X)
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 2441
ISBN: 0-87728-206-4
Original Publication: London, 1913

Title: The equinox of the gods
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Edition: Rev. ed.
ISBN: 1-56184-028-9
Original Publication: London, 1936

Title: The equinox of the gods
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Edition: Rev. ed.
ISBN: 1-56184-028-9
Original Publication: London, 1936
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: The Equinox V(2)
Editor: Motta, Marcelo Ramos
Year: 1979
City: Nashville, TN
Publisher: Thelema Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 404
ISBN: 0-933454-00-7

Title: The Equinox V(4)
Editor: Motta, Marcelo Ramos
Year: 1981
City: Nashville, TN
Publisher: Thelema Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 693
ISBN: 0-933454-04-X

Title: Eros and magic in the renaissance
Author: Couliano, Ioan P.
Translator: Cook, Margaret
Year: 1987
City: Chicago
Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Number of Pages: 264
ISBN: 0-226-12316-2

Title: Erotism: death and sensuality
Author: Bataille, Georges
Translator: Dalwood, Mary
Year: 1986
City: San Francisco
Publisher: City Lights Books
Number of Pages: 276
ISBN: 0-87286-190-2

Title: The Essene gospel of peace
Author: Szekeley, Edmond Bordeaux
Year: 1981
Publisher: Int'l. Biogenic Society
Number of Pages: 64
ISBN: 0-89564-000-7

Title: Essentials of Bible history
Author: Mould, Elmer W. K.
Year: 1951
City: New York
Publisher: The Ronald Press Co.
Number of Pages: 687
Edition: Rev. ed.

Title: The ethical religion of Zoroaster
Author: Dawson, Miles Menander
Year: 1931
City: New York
Publisher: The MacMillan Co.
Number of Pages: 271

Title: Etidorpha
Author: Lloyd, John Uri
Year: 1983
City: Mokelumne Hill, CA
Publisher: Health Research
Number of Pages: 397
Original Publication: Cincinnati, 1896

Title: Euripides
Editor: Grene, David
Year: 1958
Series Title: The complete Greek tragedies
City: New York
Publisher: Washington Square Press
Number of Pages: 277

Title: Even cowgirls get the blues
Author: Robbins, Tom
Year: 1976
City: Boston
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Number of Pages: 365
ISBN: 0-395-24510-9

Title: Everything is under control
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1998
City: New York
Publisher: HarperPerennial
Number of Pages: 435
ISBN: 0-06-273417-2

Title: The explusion of the triumphant beast
Author: Bruno, Girodano
Translator: Imerti, Arthur D.
Year: 1992
City: Lincoln, NE
Publisher: University of Nebraska
Number of Pages: 324
ISBN: 0-8032-6104-7

Title: The eye in the triangle
Author: Regardie, Israel
Year: 189
City: Las Vegas
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 517
ISBN: 0-941404-08-0

Title: The eye/body connection
Author: Maxwell, Jessica
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: Warner Books
Number of Pages: 128
ISBN: 0-446-87950-9

Return to top of catalog

Title: Famous long ago
Author: Mungo, Ray
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Citadel Press
Number of Pages: 573
ISBN: 0-8065-1204-0

Title: Fanny
Author: Jong, Erica
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: New American Library
Number of Pages: 505
ISBN: 0-453-00382-6

Title: The female eunuch
Author: Greer, Germaine
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Number of Pages: 373

Title: The final hour
Author: Brown, Michael H.
Year: 1992
City: Milford, OH
Publisher: Faith Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 345
ISBN: 1-880033-03-8

Title: First & last emperor
Author: Dea, Kenneth
Year: 1992
Secondary Author: Massumi, Brian
Place Published: Brooklyn, NY
Publisher: Autonomedia
Pages: 208
ISBN/ISSN: 0-936756-77-2

Title: Flash of the spirit
Author: Thompson, Robert Farris
Year: 1984
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Number of Pages: 317
ISBN: 0-394-72359-4

Title: Flatland
Author: Abbott, Edwin A.
Year: 1952
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 103
Edition: 6th ed.

Title: The flayed god: the Mesoamerican mythological tradition
Author: Markman, Roberta H.
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Number of Pages: 456
ISBN: 0-06-250528-9

Title: Flesh and blood: a history of the cannibal complex
Author: Tennahill, Reay
Year: 1976
City: London
Publisher: Sphere Books
Number of Pages: 209

Title: For yourself: the fulfillment of female sexuality
Author: Barbach, Lonnie Garfield
Year: 1975
City: New York
Publisher: Doubleday and Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 191

Title: The fortune teller's I ching
Author: Palmer, Martin
Year: 1986
Secondary Author: Ho, Kwok Man
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Pages: 232
Tertiary Author: O'Brien, Joanne
ISBN/ISSN: 0-345-34539-8

Title: Foundation of practical magic
Author: Regardie, Israel
Year: 1979
City: Wellingborough (U.K.)
Publisher: The Aquarian Press
Number of Pages: 160
ISBN: 0-85030-315-X

Title: Fragments from the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky
Editor: Pratt, H. Burford
City: London
Publisher: Rider & Co.
Number of Pages: 150

Title: Fragments of truth
Author: Ingalese, Richard and Isabella
Year: 1927
City: New York
Publisher: Dodd, Mead & Co.
Number of Pages: 322

Title: Freedom is a two-edged sword
Author: Parsons, John Whiteside
Year: 1989
City: Las Vegas
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 94
ISBN: 0-941404-00-5

Title: The fringes of reason: a whole earth catalog
Editor: Schultz, Ted
Year: 1989
City: New York
Publisher: Harmony Books
Number of Pages: 223
ISBN: 0-517-57165-X

Title: Future shock
Author: Toffler, Alvin
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 561

Title: Futureritual: magick for the 21st century
Author: Farber, Philip H.
Year: 1995
City: Chicago
Publisher: Eschaton Books
Number of Pages: 131
ISBN: 1-57353-107-3
Notes: Signed by author

Title: Futureritual: magick for the 21st century
Author: Farber, Philip H.
Year: 1995
City: Chicago
Publisher: Eschaton Books
Number of Pages: 131
ISBN: 1-57353-107-3
Notes: 2nd copy

Return to top of catalog

Title: Garuda
Year: 1973
Secondary Title: Dharma without blame
Place Published: Boulder, CA
Publisher: Vajradhatu
Volume: III
Pages: 94
ISBN/ISSN: 0-8773-045-8

Title: Gates of light [Sha'are orah]
Author: Gikatilla, Rabbi Joseph
Translator: Weinstein, Avi
Year: 1994
City: San Francisco
Publisher: HarperCollins
Number of Pages: 401
ISBN: 0-06-063797-8

Title: Genisis: the first book of revelations
Author: Wood, David
Year: 1985
City: Tunbridge Wells (U.K.)
Publisher: The Baton Press
Number of Pages: 309
ISBN: 0-85936-180-2

Title: George Bush: the super-spy drug smuggling president
Author: Weinberg, Bill
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Shadow Press
Number of Pages: 80

Title: Ghandi, his life and message for the world
Author: Fischer, Louis
Year: 1954
City: New York
Publisher: Mentor Books
Number of Pages: 189

Title: The ghouls
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1988
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Number of Pages: [18]
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Giordano Bruno and the embassy affair
Author: Bossy, John
Year: 1991
City: London
Publisher: Yale University Press
Number of Pages: 294
ISBN: 0-300-04993-5

Title: The girls in the gang
Author: Campbell, Anne
Year: 1984
City: New York
Publisher: Basil Blackwell Inc.
Number of Pages: 277
ISBN: 0-631-14926-0

Title: The Gnostic Catholic Church as an atecedent and component rite of O.T.O.
Editor: Thriambos, Dionysos
Year: 2002
City: Austin, TX
Publisher: Ordo Templi Orientis
Number of Pages: 41

Title: Go for beginners
Author: Iwamoto, Kaoru
Year: 1976
City: New York
Publisher: Pantheon Books
Number of Pages: 148
ISBN: 0-394-73331-2

Title: God has no secrets
Author: Rogers, Michael Roger
Year: 1999
City: Wofford Heights, CA
Publisher: War's Over Press
Number of Pages: 257

Title: Gods and spacemen in Greece and Rome
Author: Drake, W. Raymond
Year: 1976
City: New York
Publisher: Signet Books
Number of Pages: 231

Title: Gods, heroes and men of ancient Greece
Author: Rouse, W. H. D.
Year: 1957
City: New York
Publisher: Signet Key Books
Number of Pages: 189

Title: Gods in exile
Author: Leeuw, J. J. van der
Year: 1926
City: Chicago
Publisher: The Theosophical Press
Number of Pages: 98

Title: Gods, sex, and saints: the Mormon story
Author: Arbaugh, George B.
Year: 1957
City: Rock Island, IL
Publisher: Augustana Press
Number of Pages: 61

Title: The golden ass
Author: Apuleius
Translator: Lindsay, Jack
Year: 1960
City: Bloomington, IN
Publisher: Indiana University Press
Number of Pages: 255
ISBN: 0-253-20036-9

Title: Golden wind: zen talks
Author: Shimano, Eido
Year: 1979
City: Tokyo
Publisher: Japan Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 199
ISBN: 0-87040-449-0

Title: Grand Guignol: theatre of fear and terror
Author: Gordon, Mel
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Amok Press
Number of Pages: 188
ISBN: 0-941693-08-2

Title: The grape cure
Author: Brandt, Johanna
Year: 1967
City: New York
Publisher: Benedict Lust Publications
Number of Pages: 190

Title: Gravity's rainbow
Author: Pynchon, Thomas
Year: 1973
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 887

Title: The great god Pan
Author: Machen, Arthur
Year: 1993
City: London
Publisher: Creation Press
Number of Pages: 88
ISBN: 1-871592-11-9
Original Publication: 1894

Title: Great lion of God
Author: Caldwell, Taylor
Year: 1970
City: Greenwich, Conn
Publisher: Fawcett Crest Books
Number of Pages: 699

Title: The great transformation: the political and economic origins of our time
Author: Polanyi, Karl
Year: 1944
City: Boston
Publisher: Beacon Hill Press
Number of Pages: 315

Title: Greece and Rome
Author: Coplestone, Frederick
Year: 1962
Series Title: A history of philosophy
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Image Books
Volume: I
Number of Pages: 280
Edition: New rev. ed.

Title: Growing up in New Guinea
Author: Mead, Margaret
Year: 1930
City: New York
Publisher: William Morrow & Co.
Number of Pages: 372

Title: A guide to Mexican witchcraft
Author: Madsen, William and Claudia
Year: 1972
City: Mexico
Publisher: Minutiae Mexicana
Number of Pages: 96

Title: Gynecological and obstetrical pathology
Author: Herbut, Peter A.
Year: 1953
City: Philadelphia
Publisher: Lea & Febiger
Number of Pages: 683

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Title: Handwriting: a key to personality
Author: Roman, Klara G.
Year: 1952
City: New York
Publisher: Pantheon Books
Number of Pages: 382
ISBN: 0-394-73091-7

Title: Happiness is a choice
Author: Kaufman, Barry Neil
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Fawcett Columbine
Number of Pages: 284
ISBN: 0-449-90799-6

Title: The heart of the master
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 126
ISBN: 1-56184-027-0
Original Publication: London, 1938

Title: The heart of the master
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1992
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 126
ISBN: 1-56184-027-0
Original Publication: London, 1938
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: Hebrew tantra: the stranger's bible
Author: Benshemur, Amok
Year: 1990
City: Berkeley, CA
Number of Pages: 178

Title: The heiroglyphic monad
Author: Dee, John
Year: 1986
City: Edmonds, WA
Publisher: The Sure Fire Press
Number of Pages: 47
ISBN: 0-916411-54-0

Title: Hekate soteira
Author: Johnston, Sarah Iles
Year: 1990
City: Atlanta
Publisher: Scholars Press
Number of Pages: 192
ISBN: 1-55540-426-X

Title: Herculine Barbin: being the recently discovered memoirs of a nineteenth-century French hermaphrodite
Author: Barbin, Herculine
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: Parthenon Books
Number of Pages: 199
ISBN: 0-394-73862-4

Title: Hermit of Peking
Author: Trevor-Roper, Hugh
Year: 1978
City: Harmondsworth (U.K.)
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 391
ISBN: 0-14-004776-X

Title: The hidden treasures of the ancient qabalah
Author: Gewurz, Elias
Year: 1918
City: Chicago
Publisher: Yogi Publication Society
Number of Pages: 127

Title: History of astrology: science or superstition?
Author: Hutin, Serge
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Pyramid Communications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 136

Title: The history of Freemasonry
Author: Mackey, Albert
Year: 1996
City: New York
Publisher: Gramercy Books
Number of Pages: 451
ISBN: 0-517-14982-6

Title: A history of phallic worship
Author: Knight, Richard Payne
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Dorset Press
Number of Pages: 196
ISBN: 0-88029-977-0

Title: History of the Peloponnesian war
Author: Thucydides
Year: 1970
City: Baltimore, MD
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 572

Title: A history of western astrology
Author: Tester, Jim
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Number of Pages: 263
ISBN: 0-345-35870-8

Title: Hit man
Author: Feral, Rex
Year: 1983
City: Boulder, CO
Publisher: Paladin Press
Number of Pages: 130
ISBN: 0-87364-276-7

Title: The Holy Bible
City: Iowa Falls, IA
Publisher: Riverside Book & Bible House
Number of Pages: 1003
Edition: Authorized (King James) ed.

Title: The Holy Bible
Year: 1901
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Thomas Nelson & Sons
Pages: 285
Edition: American Standard Version

Title: The holy books of Thelema
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1983
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 270
ISBN: 0-87728-686-8

Title: The holy Qur'an
Translator: Shakir, M. H.
Year: 1986
City: Elmhurst, NY
Publisher: Tahrike Tarsile Qur-an, Inc.
Number of Pages: 424
ISBN: 0-940368-18-8

Title: The honorable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay
Author: Greene, Robert
Publisher: Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Hoodlums: Los Angeles
Author: Prager, Ted
Year: 1959
City: New York
Publisher: Retail Distributors Inc.
Number of Pages: 240

Title: Household gods: a comedy
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1990
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Number of Pages: 44
Edition: Facsimile ed.
Original Publication: 1912

Title: How the goverment breaks the law
Author: Lieberman, Jethro K.
Year: 1973
City: Baltimore, MD
Publisher: Penguin Books Inc.
Number of Pages: 309
ISBN: 0-14-003640-7

Title: How the other half lives
Author: Riis, Jacob A.
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 233
ISBN: 0-486-22012-5

Title: How to make and use a magic mirror
Author: Tyson, Donald
Year: 1990
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn
Number of Pages: 155
ISBN: 0-87542-831-2

Title: How to read a book
Author: Adler, Mortimer J.
Year: 1972
Secondary Author: Doren, Charles Van
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Touchstone Books
Pages: 426
ISBN/ISSN: 0-671-21209-5

Title: Huichol Indian sacred rituals
Year: 1992
City: Oakland, CA
Publisher: Amber Lotus
Number of Pages: 111
ISBN: 0-945798-80-6

Title: Human sacrifice in history & today
Author: Davies, Nigel
Year: 1981
City: New York
Publisher: Dorset Press
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 0-88029-211-3

Title: Hungry for heaven: rock and roll and the search for redemption
Author: Turner, Steve
Year: 1988
City: London
Publisher: Virgin
Number of Pages: 208
ISBN: 0-86369-237-0

Title: Hyperspace
Author: Kaku, Micho
Year: 1994
City: New York
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Number of Pages: 359
ISBN: 0-19-508514-0

Return to top of catalog

Title: The I ching: a new translation of the book of changes
Author: Crowley, Aleister

Title: I ching: book of changes
Author: Chai, Ch'u
Translator: Legge, James
Year: 1964
City: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Number of Pages: 448

Title: The I Ching or book of changes
Author: Foundation, Bolligen
Translator: Wilhelm, Richard
Year: 1967
City: Princeton, NJ
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Number of Pages: 740
Edition: 3rd ed.
ISBN: 0-691-09750-X

Title: I will fear no evil
Author: Heinlein, Robert
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: Berkeley Books
Number of Pages: 512
ISBN: 0-425-04386-X

Title: Ideal home: survival edition
City: London
Publisher: New Anarchist Review
ISBN: 1-869802-01-2

Title: Idols of perversity
Author: Dijkstra, Bram
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: Oxford University Press, Inc.
Number of Pages: 453
ISBN: 0-19-505652-3

Title: Idylls of the king; and, a selection of poems
Author: Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Year: 1961
City: New York
Publisher: Signet Classics
Number of Pages: 319

Title: The Illuminati papers
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1980
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: And/Or Press, Inc.
Number of Pages: 150
ISBN: 0-915904-52-7

Title: The Illuminoids: secret societies & political paranoia
Author: Wilgus, Neal
Year: 1978
City: Santa Fe, NM
Publisher: Sun Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 262

Title: Immodest acts
Author: Brown, Judith C.
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Number of Pages: 214
ISBN: 0-19-504225-5

Title: Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism
Author: Lenin, V. I.
Year: 1934
City: New York
Publisher: International Publishers
Number of Pages: 127

Title: In God's name: an investigation into the murder of Pope John Paul I
Author: Yallop, David A.
Year: 1984
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 387
ISBN: 0-553-24855-3

Title: In search of historic Jesus
Author: Roddy, Lee
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 182
ISBN: 0-553-13588-0

Title: In the continuum
Editor: Seckler, Phyllis
Year: 1981
City: Oroville, CA
Publisher: The College of Thelema
Volume: II(2)

Title: In the continuum
Editor: Seckler, Phyllis
Year: 1981
City: Oroville, CA
Publisher: The College of Thelema
Volume: II(12)

Title: In the continuum
Editor: Seckler, Phyllis
Year: 1982
City: Oroville, CA
Publisher: The College of Thelema
Volume: III(1)

Title: Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety
Author: Freud, Sigmund
Translator: Strachey, Alix
Year: 1959
City: New York
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co.
Number of Pages: 110
ISBN: 0-393-00874-6

Title: The initiate brother
Author: Russell, Sean
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: DAW Books
Number of Pages: 480
ISBN: 0-88677-466-7

Title: Initiation
Author: Haich, Elisabeth
Year: 1974
City: Palo Alto, CA
Publisher: Seed Center
Number of Pages: 366
ISBN: 0-916108-04-X

Title: An inquiry into the religious tenets of the Yezeedees
Author: Badger, G. P.
Publisher: Ordo Templi Orientis
Number of Pages: [22]
Edition: Facsimile ed.
Original Publication: London, 1852

Title: Insult to intelligence: the bureaucratic invasion of our classrooms
Author: Smith, Frank
Year: 1986
City: Portsmouth, NH
Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books
Number of Pages: 289
ISBN: 0-435-08478-X

Title: International encyclopedia of unified science
Editor: Neurath, Otto
Year: 1955
City: Chicago
Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Volume: I
Number of Pages: 760

Title: An interview with Israel Regardie: his final thoughts and views
Editor: Hyatt, Christopher S.
Year: 1985
City: Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 144
ISBN: 0-941404-31-5

Title: An introduction to existentialism
Author: Olson, Robert G.
Year: 1962
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 221

Title: The invisibles: voodoo gods of Haiti
Author: Huxley, Francis
Year: 1966
City: New York
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Number of Pages: 247

Title: Iridology simplified
Author: Jensen, Bernard
Year: 1980
City: Escondido, CA
Publisher: Iridoligists Int'l.
Number of Pages: 38
Edition: 5th

Title: The iron heel
Author: London, Jack
Year: 1958
City: New York
Publisher: Macmillan
Number of Pages: 354

Title: Irrational man: a study in existential philosophy
Author: Barrett, William
Year: 1968
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Doubleday Anchor Books
Number of Pages: 314

Title: Is Elvis alive?
Author: Brewer-Giorgio, Gail
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Tudor Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 219
ISBN: 0-944276-31-8

Title: Ishtar rising
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1989
City: Las Vegas
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 182
ISBN: 0-941404-83-8

Title: Islandia
Author: Wright, Austin Tappan
Year: 1958
City: New York
Publisher: Signet Books
Number of Pages: 944

Title: It is no dream!: Bible prophecy, fact or fiction?
Author: McQuaid, Elwood
Year: 1978
City: W. Collingswood, NJ
Publisher: The Spearhead Press
Number of Pages: 249
ISBN: 0-915540-21-5

Return to top of catalog

Title: Jack's book: an oral biography of Jack Kerouac
Author: Gifford, Barry
Year: 1978
Secondary Author: Lee, Lawrence
Place Published: New York
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 339
ISBN/ISSN: 0-312-01567-4

Title: The jasper gate
Author: Quayne, Jonathan
Year: 1967
City: New York
Publisher: Lancer Books
Number of Pages: 248

Title: Jepthah
Author: Crowley, Aleister
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Number of Pages: 71
Edition: Facsimile ed.
Original Publication: Cambridge, 1898

Title: Jesus
Writer: Fishben, Barnet
Year Released: 1979
Director: Sykes, Peter
Distributor: JVP
Producer: Heyman, John
Medium: VHS
Performers: Deacon, Brian

Title: The Jesus bag
Author: Grier, William H.
Year: 1971
Secondary Author: Cobbs, Price M.
Place Published: New York
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Pages: 295

Title: The Jesus incident
Author: Herbert, Frank
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: Berkeley Books
Number of Pages: 416
ISBN: 0-425-05517-5

Title: Jitterbug perfume
Author: Robbins, Tom
Year: 1984
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 342
ISBN: 0-553-34898-1

Title: The Jivaro
Author: Harner, Michael J.
Year: 1972
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: University of California Press
Number of Pages: 233
ISBN: 0-520-05065-7

Title: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Author: Bach, Richard
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: The Macmillan Co.
Number of Pages: 93

Title: The journal of orgonomy
Year: 1993
Place Published: Princeton, NJ
Publisher: Orgonomic Publications
Volume: 27
Number: 2
Pages: 100
Date: Fall/Winter
Type of Work: Journal
ISBN/ISSN: 0022-3298

Title: Journal of unconventional history
Year: 1995
Place Published: Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA
Volume: VII
Number: 1
Pages: 84

Title: Journal to the self: 22 paths to personal growth
Author: Adams, Kathleen
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Warner Books
Number of Pages: 234
ISBN: 0-446-39038-0

Title: Journey of awakening: a meditator's guidebook
Author: Dass, Ram
Year: 1978
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 395
ISBN: 0-553-25845-1

Title: Journey to Ixtlan
Author: Castaneda, Carlos
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Number of Pages: 299

Title: Journey to the end of the night
Author: Celine, Louis-Ferdinand
Translator: Manheim, Ralph
Year: 1983
City: New York
Publisher: New Directions Books
Number of Pages: 446
ISBN: 0-812-0847-8

Title: Journeys of an aquarian age networker
Author: Joshua
Year: 1982
City: Palo Alto, CA
Publisher: New Life Printing Co.
Number of Pages: 333

Title: Junky
Author: Burroughs, William S.
Year: 1977
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 158
ISBN: 0-14-004351-9

Title: Jurgen
Author: Cabell, James Branch
Year: 1919
City: New York
Publisher: Crown Publishers, Inc.
Number of Pages: 368

Title: Jurgen
Author: Cabell, James Branch
Year: 1927
City: New York
Publisher: Robert M. McBride & Co.
Number of Pages: 368

Return to top of catalog

Title: Kaaba colloquium for OTO organizers
Year: 2000
City: Austin, TX
Publisher: Ordo Templi Orientis

Title: Kabbalah
Author: Ponce, Charles
Year: 1973
City: Wheaton, IL
Publisher: Quest Books
Number of Pages: 297
ISBN: 0-8356-0510-8

Title: Kabbalah
Author: Scholem, Gershom
Year: 1974
City: New York
Publisher: New American Library
Number of Pages: 494
ISBN: 0-452-00887-5

Title: The kabbalah unveiled
Translator: Mathers, S. L. MacGregor
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Arkana
Number of Pages: 360
ISBN: 0-14-019310-3

Title: The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana
Translator: Burton, Sir Richard F.
Year: 1986
City: New York, NY
Publisher: Dorset Press
Number of Pages: 252
ISBN: 0-88029-089-7

Title: Karate-do, my way of life
Author: Funakoshi, Gichin
Year: 1975
City: New York
Publisher: Kodansha Int'l.
Number of Pages: 127
ISBN: 0-87011-241-4

Title: Karma cola: marketing the mystic east
Author: Mehta, Gita
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Fawcett Columbine
Number of Pages: 193
ISBN: 0-449-90604-3

Title: The karmic journey: the birthchart, karma and reincarnation
Author: Hall, Judy
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Arkana
Number of Pages: 368
ISBN: 0-14-019220-4

Title: Keep the river on your right
Author: Schneebaum, Tobias
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: Grove Press
Number of Pages: 184
ISBN: 0-8021-3133-6

Title: Khadafy
Author: Gregory, Harry
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: PaperJacks
Number of Pages: 173
ISBN: 0-7701-0532-7

Title: Konx om pax
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1990
City: Chicago
Publisher: Teitan Press
Number of Pages: 108
ISBN: 0-933429-04-5
Original Publication: London, 1907

Title: Konx om pax: essays in light
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Publisher: Yogi Publication Society
Number of Pages: 108
ISBN: 0-911662-49-9
Original Publication: London, 1907
Reprint Edition: Reprint ed.

Title: Kum Nye relaxation
Author: Tulku, Tarthang
Year: 1978
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Dharma Publishing
Number of Pages: 200
ISBN: 0-913546-25-9

Title: Kuru sorcery
Author: Lindenbaum, Shirley
Year: 1979
City: Mountainview, CA
Publisher: Mayfield Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 174
ISBN: 0-87484-362-6

Title: The kybalion
Author: Initiates, Three
Year: 1908
City: Chicago
Publisher: The Yogi Publication Society
Number of Pages: 232

Title: The kybalion
Author: Initiates, Three
Year: 1988
City: Clayton, GA
Publisher: Tri-State Press
Number of Pages: 179
Original Publication: Chicago, 1908

Return to top of catalog

Title: Labyrinths: selected stories and other writings
Author: Borges, Jorge Luis
Year: 1964
City: New York
Publisher: New Directions Books
Number of Pages: 260
ISBN: 0-08112-0012-4

Title: Ladies and gentlemen, Lenny Bruce!
Author: Goldman, Albert
Year: 1974
City: New York
Publisher: Random House
Number of Pages: 661

Title: Ladies who kill
Author: Kuncl, Tom
Year: 1985
Secondary Author: Einstein, Paul
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Windson Publishing Corp.
Pages: 212
ISBN/ISSN: 1-55817-249-1

Title: Lady, be loved!
Author: Kordel, Lelord
Year: 1953
City: New York
Publisher: The World Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 209

Title: The last tempation of Christ
Author: Kazantzakis, Nikos
Translator: Bien, P. A.
Year: 1960
City: New York
Publisher: Touchstone Books
Number of Pages: 506
ISBN: 0-671-21170-6

Title: Last waltz of the tyrants
Editor: Koteen, Judi Pope
Year: 1989
City: Hillsboro, OR
Publisher: Beyond Words Publishing
Number of Pages: 157
ISBN: 0-941831-26-4

Title: The law is for all
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1985
Secondary Author: Regardie, Israel
Place Published: Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: Falcon Press
Pages: 368
ISBN/ISSN: 0-941404-25-0

Title: The law is for all
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1996
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 302
ISBN: 1-56184-090-4
Notes: Inscribed by H.B.

Title: Le tarot Thoth par Aleister Crowley
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1997
Secondary Author: Harris, Freida
Place Published: Neuhausen am Rheinfall [Suisse]
Publisher: Ordo Templi Orientis
Edition: Rev. ed.
ISBN/ISSN: 3-905219-08-5

Title: The legend of Aleister Crowley
Author: Stephenson, P. R.
Year: 1970
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 157

Title: The legend of the sons of god
Author: Lethbridge, T. C.
Year: 1972
City: London
Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.
Number of Pages: 118
ISBN: 07100-9500-7

Title: Lesbian nuns: breaking silence
Author: Curb, Rosemary
Year: 1985
Secondary Author: Manahan, Nancy
Place Published: Tallahassee, FL
Publisher: Naiad Press
Pages: 383
ISBN/ISSN: 0-930044-62-2

Title: Leviathan
Author: Hobbes, Thomas
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 729
ISBN: 0-14-043195-0

Title: Liber 31 and other related essays by Frater Achad 777
Author: Jones, Charles Stansfield
Year: 1974
City: San Francisco
Publisher: Level Press
Number of Pages: 82
Notes: Inscribed by HB

Title: Liber aleph vel CXI: the book of wisdom or folly
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 220
ISBN: 0-87728-729-5

Title: Liber Aleph vel CXI: the book of wisdom or folly
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: 93 Publishing
Number of Pages: 220
Edition: Rev. ed.
ISBN: 0-916960-23-8
Notes: Inscribed by H.B.

Title: Liber israfel
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1988
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Number of Pages: [5]
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Liber kaos
Author: Carroll, Peter J.
Year: 1992
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 218
ISBN: 0-87728-742-2

Title: Liber LI: the lost continent
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1986
City: San Francisco, CA
Publisher: Stellar Visions
Number of Pages: 32

Title: Liber null and psychonaut
Author: Carroll, Peter
Year: 1987
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 214
ISBN: 0-87728-639-6

Title: Life here and hereafter
Author: Rama, Swami
Year: 1976
City: Glenview, IL
Publisher: Himalayan Int'l. Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy of U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 168

Title: Life in a medieval city
Author: Gies, Joseph and Frances
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: HarperPerennial
Number of Pages: 274
ISBN: 0-06-090880-7

Title: Light in our darkness
Author: Smith, W. S. Montgomery
Year: 1936
Secondary Author: Taylor, Ellinor M.
Place Published: London
Publisher: Psychic Press Ltd.
Pages: 158

Title: The light of Asia; or, the great renunciation
Author: Arnold, Sir Edwin
Year: 1894
City: Boston
Publisher: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
Number of Pages: 233

Title: The light of the bhagavata
Author: Bhaktivedanta, Swami A. C.
Year: 1996
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
Number of Pages: 147
ISBN: 91-7149-267-4

Title: Little journeys to the homes of the great
Author: Hubbard, Elbert
Year: 1928
City: East Huron
Publisher: The Roycrofters
Number of Pages: 418

Title: Lives of illustrious men
Author: Plutarch
Translator: Dryden, John
City: Chicago
Publisher: Belford, Clarke & Co.
Number of Pages: 584

Title: The living Gita: the complete Bhagavad Gita
Author: Satchidananda, Swami
Year: 1988
City: Yogaville, VA
Publisher: Integral Yoga Publications
Number of Pages: 326
ISBN: 0-932040-27-6

Title: Living the Tarot
Author: Jayanti, Amber
Year: 1993
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 345
ISBN: 0-87542-373-6

Title: The Llewellyn practical guide to creative moneymaking
Author: Denning, Melita
Year: 1992
Secondary Author: Phillips, Osborne
Place Published: St. Paul
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Pages: 185
ISBN/ISSN: 0-87542-191-1

Title: Lord of light
Author: Zelazny, Roger
Year: 1967
City: New York
Publisher: Avon Books
Number of Pages: 319

Title: Lord Valentine's castle
Author: Silverberg, Robert
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: HarperPrism
Number of Pages: 506
ISBN: 0-06-105487-9

Title: Lots of limericks
Editor: Untermeyer, Louis
Year: 1961
City: New York
Publisher: Bell Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 191

Title: Love cults and faith healers
Author: Orrmont, Arthur
Year: 1961
City: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Number of Pages: 192

Title: Love signs
Author: Goodman, Linda
Year: 1978
City: New York
Publisher: Fawcett Columbine Books
Number of Pages: 914
ISBN: 0-49-90185-8

Title: Lovecraft's book
Author: Lupoff, Richard A.
Year: 1985
City: Sauk City, WI
Publisher: Arkham House Publishers, Inc.
Number of Pages: 260
ISBN: 0-87054-151-X

Title: Love's picture book
Author: Brusendorff, Ove
Translator: Gress, Else
Year: 1966
City: Copenhagen
Publisher: Veta Publishers
Number of Pages: 151

Title: Luminous bodies here and hereafter
Author: Hallock, Charles
Year: 1906
City: New York
Publisher: The Metaphysical Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 110

Title: Lust killer
Author: Rule, Ann
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Signet Books
Number of Pages: 238
ISBN: 0-451-15477-0

Title: Lysistrata--The birds--The clouds
Author: Aristophanes
Year: 1948
City: Chicago, Ill.
Publisher: Henry Regnery Co.
Number of Pages: 152

Return to top of catalog

Title: The Mabinogion
Translator: Jones, Gwyn and Thomas
Year: 1974
City: London
Publisher: Everyman's Library
Number of Pages: 283
ISBN: 0-460-11097-7

Title: Mafia enforcer: a true story of life and death in the mob
Author: Renner, Thomas C.
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Number of Pages: 326
ISBN: 0-553-27262-4

Title: The Mafia talks
Author: Volz, Joseph
Year: 1969
Secondary Author: Bridge, Peter J.
Place Published: Greenwich, Conn.
Publisher: Fawcett Publications
Pages: 192

Title: The magic presence
Author: King, Godfre Ray
Year: 1985
City: Schaumburg, IL
Publisher: Saint Germain Press, Inc.
Number of Pages: 401
Edition: 5th ed.

Title: The magical and ritual use of aphrodisiacs
Author: Miller, Richard Alan
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Destiny Books
Number of Pages: 197
ISBN: 0-89281-062-9

Title: The magician's companion
Author: Whitcomb, Bill
Year: 1993
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 577
ISBN: 0-87542-868-1

Title: Magick and qabalah no. 1
Author: Heidrick, Bill
Year: 1980
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Ordo Templi Orientis
Number of Pages: 29

Title: Magick and the tarot
Author: Willis, Tony
Year: 1988
City: Wellingborough (U.K.)
Publisher: The Aquarian Press
Number of Pages: 272
ISBN: 0-85030-625-6

Title: Magick in theory and practice
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Secaucus, NJ
Publisher: Castle Books
Number of Pages: 436
ISBN: 1-55521-766-4
Original Publication: Paris, 1929

Title: The magick of the tarot
Author: Denning, Melita
Year: 1986
Secondary Author: Phillips, Osborne
Place Published: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Pages: 252
ISBN/ISSN: 0-87542-198-9

Title: The magick of Thelema
Author: Duquette, Lon Milo
Year: 1993
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 270
ISBN: 0-87728-778-3

Title: Magick without tears
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1983
City: Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 528
ISBN: 0-941404-17-X

Title: Magick without tears
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 528
ISBN: 1-56184-018-1

Title: Magick without tears
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 528
ISBN: 1-56184-018-1
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: The magickal dilemma of Victor Neuberg: a biography
Author: Fuller, Jean Overton
Year: 1990
City: Oxford
Publisher: Mandrake
Number of Pages: 270
ISBN: 1-869928-12-1

Title: The magickal dilemma of Victor Neuburg: a biography
Author: Fuller, Jean Overton
Year: 1990
City: Oxford (UK)
Publisher: Mandrake Press
Number of Pages: 270
ISBN: 1-869928-12-1
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: Magnet dowsing: or, the magnet study of life
Author: Bhattacharyya, B.
Year: 1985
City: Mokelumne Hill, CA
Publisher: Health Research
Number of Pages: 150
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: The magus
Author: Barrett, Francis
Year: 1967
City: Secaucus, NJ
Publisher: The Citadel Press
Number of Pages: 198
ISBN: 0-8065-0462-5

Title: The magus
Author: Fowles, John
Year: 1978
City: New York
Publisher: Dell Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 668
Edition: Rev. ed.
ISBN: 0-440-15162-7

Title: The making of a counter culture
Author: Roszak, Theodore
Year: 1969
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Doubleday Anchor Books
Number of Pages: 303

Title: Male fantasies
Author: Theweleit, Klaus
Translator: Conway, Stephen
Year: 1987
City: Minneapolis
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press
Number of Pages: 517
ISBN: 0-8166-1449-0

Title: Man and his symbols
Author: Jung, Carl G.
Year: 1964
City: New York
Publisher: Dell Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 413

Title: Man and man: the social philosophers
Editor: Commins, Saxe
Year: 1947
Series Title: The world's great thinkers
City: New York
Publisher: Random House
Number of Pages: 485

Title: The man in the high castle
Author: Dick, Philip K.
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Number of Pages: 259
ISBN: 0-679-74067-8

Title: Man's eternal quest
Author: Yogananda, Paramahansa
Year: 1976
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Self-Realization Fellowship
Number of Pages: 484
ISBN: 0-87612-231-4

Title: Mantra & meditation
Author: Arya, Usharbudh
Year: 1981
City: Honesdale, PA
Publisher: Himalayan Intl. Institute of Yoga Science & Philosophy of the U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 247
ISBN: 0-89389-074-X

Title: Many lives, many masters
Author: Weiss, Brian L.
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Fireside Books
Number of Pages: 219
ISBN: 0-671-65786-0

Title: The mark of the beast
Author: Watson, Sydney
City: London
Publisher: W. Nicholson & Sons
Number of Pages: 276

Title: Masks of the Illuminati
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1981
City: New York
Publisher: Dell Publishing
Number of Pages: 355
ISBN: 0-440-50306-X

Title: Masonic facts and fictions
Author: Sadler, Henry
Year: 1985
City: Wellingborough (U.K.)
Publisher: The Aquarian Press
Number of Pages: 214
ISBN: 0-85030-440-7
Original Publication: 1887

Title: The masters of solitude
Author: Kaye, Marvin
Year: 1978
Secondary Author: Godwin, Parke
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Avon Books
Pages: 403
ISBN/ISSN: 0-380-45112-3

Title: Maya glyphs
Author: Houston, S. D.
Year: 1989
Series Title: Reading the past
Publisher: University of California Press
Number of Pages: 64
ISBN: 0-520-06771-1

Title: The meaning of agapao and phileo in the Greek New Testament
Author: Butler, Roy F.
Year: 1977
City: Lawrence, KS
Publisher: Coronado Press
Number of Pages: 90
ISBN: 0-87291-089-X

Title: The meaning of Masonry
Author: Wilmshurst, W. L.
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: Gramercy Books
Number of Pages: 216
ISBN: 0-517-33194-2

Title: Megatrends
Author: Naisbitt, John
Year: 1982
City: New York
Publisher: Warner Books, Inc.
Number of Pages: 290
ISBN: 0-446-51250-6

Title: Mere Christianity
Author: Lewis, C. S.
Year: 1952
City: New York
Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 190
ISBN: 0-02-086830-8

Title: The message of aquaria
Author: Curtiss, Harriette Augusta and F. Homer
Year: 1947
City: Washington, D.C.
Publisher: The Curtiss Philosophic Book Co.
Number of Pages: 487

Title: Metamagical themas
Author: Hofstadter, Douglas
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Basic Books
Number of Pages: 852
ISBN: 0-465-04540-5

Title: The metamorphosis
Author: Kafka, Franz
Translator: Corngold, Stanley
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 201
ISBN: 0-553-21369-5

Title: Metamorphosis: a programmer looks at the software crisis
Author: Beckett, William
Year: 1997
City: Snohomish, WA
Publisher: Numerical Analog, Inc.
Number of Pages: 362
ISBN: 0-966033-9-6

Title: Metaphysical meditations
Author: Yogananda, Paramahansa
Year: 1973
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Self-realization Fellowship
Number of Pages: 115

Title: Metaskills: the spiritual art of therapy
Author: Mindell, Amy
Year: 1995
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 187
ISBN: 1-56184-119-6

Title: Mikhail Bakunin
Author: Kelly, Aileen
Year: 1987
City: London
Publisher: Yale University Press
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 0-300-03874-7

Title: Milton's Comus, 1634
Editor: Bullough, Geoffrey & Margaret
Number of Pages: 36
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Mindtrek
Author: McMoneagle, Joseph
Year: 1993
City: Norfolk, VA
Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 231
ISBN: 1-878901-72-9

Title: The miracle of mindfulness
Author: Hanh, Thich Nhat
Year: 1976
City: Boston
Publisher: Beacon Press
Number of Pages: 140
ISBN: 0-8070-1201-7

Title: A Mithraic ritual
Author: Mead, G. R. S.
City: Kila, MT
Publisher: Kessinger
Number of Pages: 77
ISBN: 1-56459-117-4

Title: Modern dictators
Author: Rubin, Barry
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Number of Pages: 385
ISBN: 0-07-054161-2

Title: Modern magick
Author: Kraig, Donald Michael
Year: 1993
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 557
ISBN: 0-87542-324-8

Title: Modernity and modernism: French painting in the nineteenth century
Editor: Frascina, Francis
Year: 1993
City: London
Publisher: Yale University Press
Number of Pages: 297
ISBN: 0-300-05514-5

Title: The money system
Author: Relfe, Mary Stewart
Year: 1982
City: Montgomery, AL
Publisher: Ministries, Inc.
Number of Pages: 272
ISBN: 0-9607986-1-7

Title: The Moon doctrine
Author: Yamamoto, J. Isamu
Year: 1977
City: Downers Grove, IL
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
Number of Pages: 41
ISBN: 0-87784-158-6

Title: Moon magic
Author: Fortune, Dion
Year: 1981
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 241
ISBN: 0-87728-423-7

Title: Mr. Palomar
Author: Calvino, Italo
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Number of Pages: 130
ISBN: 0-15-662780-9

Title: Mysteries
Author: Hamson, Knut
Translator: Bothmer, Gerry
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Number of Pages: 340

Title: The mysteries of Isis: her worship and magick
Author: Regula, DeTraci
Year: 1995
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 300
ISBN: 1-56718-560-6

Title: The mythology of Middle-earth
Author: Noel, Ruth S.
Year: 1978
City: Boston
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Number of Pages: 198
ISBN: 0-395-27208-4

Title: Mythology: timeless tales of gods and heroes
Author: Hamilton, Edith
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: Mentor Books
Number of Pages: 335

Title: Myths to live by
Author: Campbell, Joseph
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 287
ISBN: 0-553-20976-0

Return to top of catalog

Title: Nancy Reagan: the unauthorized biography
Author: Kelly, Kitty
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Number of Pages: 602
ISBN: 0-671-64646-X

Title: The nature and use of ritual for spiritual attainment
Author: Coppens, Peter Roche de
Year: 1985
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 229
ISBN: 0-87542-675-1

Title: Nature, man, and woman
Author: Watts, Alan
Year: 1958
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Number of Pages: 209

Title: The necronomicon
Editor: Simon
Year: 1977
City: New York
Publisher: Avon Books
Number of Pages: 218
ISBN: 0-380-75192-5

Title: Nemesis
Author: Muller, Richard
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicholson
Number of Pages: 193
ISBN: 1-55584-173-2

Title: The new age: notes of a fringe watcher
Author: Gardner, Martin
Year: 1991
City: Buffalo, NY
Publisher: Prometheus Books
Number of Pages: 273
ISBN: 0-87975-644-6

Title: The new diary: how to use a journal for self-guidance and expanded creativity
Author: Rainer, Tristine
Year: 1978
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.
Number of Pages: 323
ISBN: 0-874-77150-1

Title: A new encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Author: Waite, Arthur Edward
Year: 1994
City: New York
Publisher: Wings Books
Number of Pages: 488
ISBN: 0-517-19148-2

Title: The new Golden Dawn ritual tarot
Author: Cicero, Chic
Year: 1991
Secondary Author: Cicero, Sandra Tabatha
Place Published: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Pages: 234
ISBN/ISSN: 0-87542-139-3

Title: The new magus
Author: Tyson, Donald
Year: 1988
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 346
ISBN: 0-87542-825-8

Title: New universe
Year: 1938
Volume: I
Issue: 4

Title: The night battles: witchcraft and agrarian cults in the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries
Author: Ginzburg, Carlo
Translator: Tedeschi, John & Anne
Year: 1966
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 209
ISBN: 0-14-007688-3

Title: Nine hours to Rama
Author: Wolpert, Stanley
Year: 1962
City: New York
Publisher: Random House
Number of Pages: 376

Title: The nineteenth century in Europe
Author: Latourette, Kenneth Scott
Year: 1959
Series Title: Christianity in a revolutionary age
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Brothers
Volume: II
Number of Pages: 532

Title: The nineteenth century in Europe: background and the Roman Catholic phase
Author: Latourette, Kenneth Scott
Year: 1958
Series Title: Christianity in a revolutionary age
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Brothers
Volume: I
Number of Pages: 498

Title: The nineteenth century outside Europe
Author: Latourette, Kenneth Scott
Year: 1961
Series Title: Christianity in a revolutionary age
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Brothers
Volume: III
Number of Pages: 527

Title: Nostradamus: prophecies for women
Author: Mascetti, Manuela Dunn
Year: 1995
Secondary Author: Lorie, Peter
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Pages: 221
ISBN/ISSN: 0-684-81178-2

Title: Number in scripture
Author: Bullinger, Ethelbert W.
Year: 1967
City: Grand Rapids, MI
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Number of Pages: 303
ISBN: 0-8254-2204-3

Title: The number of the beast
Author: Heinlein, Robert A.
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: Fawcett Columbine
Number of Pages: 511
ISBN: 0-449-90019-3

Title: Numbers
Author: Rechy, John
Year: 1967
City: New York
Publisher: Grove Press, Inc.
Number of Pages: 256
ISBN: 0-394-17130-6

Title: Numerology has your number
Author: Dodge, Ellin
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Fireside Books
Number of Pages: 349
ISBN: 0-671-64243-X

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Title: Oahspe: a new Bible in the words of Jehovih and his angel ambassadors
Author: Ballou, John
Year: 1882
City: New York
Publisher: Oahspe Publishing Association
Number of Pages: 910

Title: The occult conspiracy: secret societies, their influence and power in world history
Author: Howard, Michael
Year: 1989
City: Rochester, VT
Publisher: Destiny Books
Number of Pages: 198
ISBN: 0-89281-251-6

Title: An occult history of the world
Author: Brennan, J. H.
Year: 1976
City: London
Publisher: Futura Publications Ltd.
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 0-8600-73386

Title: The occult roots of Nazism
Author: Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: New York University Press
Number of Pages: 293
ISBN: 0-8147-3060-4

Title: The official handbook of the legion of Mary
Author: Mariae, Concilium Legionis
Year: 1953
City: Louisville, KY
Publisher: Publishers Printing Co.
Number of Pages: 348
Edition: 6th ed.

Title: The Olympia reader
Editor: Girodias, Maurice
Year: 1965
City: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Number of Pages: 699

Title: On anti-communism
Author: Liu, Wu-Chiu
Year: 1968
City: New York
Publisher: Wu-Chiu Liu
Number of Pages: 78

Title: On the way to the wedding
Author: Leonard, Linda Schierse
Year: 1986
City: Boston
Publisher: Shambhala Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 262
ISBN: 0-87773-402-X

Title: Only begotten daughter
Author: Morrow, James
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: William Morrow & Co.
Number of Pages: 312
ISBN: 0-688-05284-3

Title: The only dance there is
Author: Dass, Ram
Year: 1974
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Anchor Books
Number of Pages: 180
ISBN: 0-385-08413-7

Title: Orders of the quest
Author: Hall, Manly P.
Year: 1976
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: The Philosophical Research Society
Number of Pages: 101
ISBN: 0-89314-533-5

Title: The Oresteian trilogy
Author: Aeschylus
Year: 1971
City: Baltimore
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 197

Title: The origins of freemasonry: Scotland's century, 1590-1710
Author: Stevenson, David
Year: 1988
City: Cambridge
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Number of Pages: 246
ISBN: 0-521-39654-9

Title: O.T.O. newsletter
Year: 1977
Volume: I(1)
Pages: 10

Title: O.T.O. newsletter
Year: 1977
Volume: I(2)
Pages: 22

Title: O.T.O. newsletter
Year: 1977
Volume: I(3)
Pages: 29

Title: O.T.O. newsletter
Year: 1978
Volume: II(2)
Pages: 68

Title: O.T.O. newsletter
Year: 1978
Volume: II(1)
Pages: 52

Title: O.T.O. newsletter
Year: 1979
Volume: II(7&8)
Pages: 110

Title: Out of control
Author: Liddy, G. Gordon
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Number of Pages: 342
ISBN: 0-312-92428-3

Title: Out of darkness: exploring Satanism and ritual abuse
Editor: Sackheim, David K.
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Lexington Books
Number of Pages: 315
ISBN: 0-669-26962-X

Title: An outline dictionary of Maya glyphs
Author: Gates, William
Year: 1978
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Number of Pages: 204
ISBN: 0-486-23618-8

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Title: Pagans and Christians
Author: Fox, Robin Lane
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: HarperCollins
Number of Pages: 799
ISBN: 0-06-062852-9

Title: Painted black
Author: Raschke, Carl A.
Year: 1990
City: San Francisco
Publisher: Harper & Row
Number of Pages: 276
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 0-06-250704-4

Title: Painted black
Author: Raschke, Carl A.
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Row Publishers
Number of Pages: 276
ISBN: 0-06-250704-4
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: Paris spleen
Author: Baudelaire, Charles
Translator: Varese, Louis
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: New Directions Books
Number of Pages: 118
ISBN: 0-8112-0007-8

Title: Parliament of whores
Author: O'Rourke, P. J.
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Atlantic Monthly Press
Number of Pages: 233

Title: Passions of the mind
Author: Stone, Irving
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Signet Books
Number of Pages: 919

Title: Perennial psychology of the Bhagavad Gita
Author: Rama, Swami
Year: 1972
City: Honesdale, PA
Publisher: Himalayan Int'l. Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy of the U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 479
ISBN: 0-89389-090-1

Title: Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to al-Madinah & Mecca
Author: Burton, Richard F.
Year: 1964
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Volume: I
Number of Volumes: II
Number of Pages: 436
ISBN: 0-486-21217-3

Title: Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to al-Madinah & Mecca
Author: Burton, Richard F.
Year: 1964
City: New York
Publisher: Dover Publications, Inc.
Volume: II
Number of Volumes: II
Number of Pages: 477
ISBN: 0-486-21218-1

Title: Phallic worship: a history of sex & sexual rites
Author: Scott, George Ryley
Year: 1996
City: London
Publisher: Senate
Number of Pages: 234
ISBN: 1-85958-195-1
Original Publication: 1966

Title: The phantom of the poles
Author: Reed, William
Year: 1964
City: Mokelumne Hill, CA
Publisher: Health Research
Number of Pages: 283
Original Publication: London, 1906

Title: Philosophy of death and dying
Author: Kamath, M. V.
Year: 1978
City: Honesdale, PA
Publisher: Himalayan Int'l. Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy
Number of Pages: 335
ISBN: 0-89389-046-4

Title: The philosophy of hatha yoga
Author: Arya, Pandit Usharbudh
Year: 1985
City: Honesdale, Penn.
Publisher: The Himalayan Int'l. Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy of the U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 95
ISBN: 0-89389-088-X

Title: The pictorial key to the tarot
Author: Waite, Arthur Edward
Year: 1971
City: Blauvelt, NY
Publisher: Multimedia Publishing Corp.
Number of Pages: 340

Title: Pilgrim on a bicycle
Author: Johnson, Barbara Mary
Year: 1982
City: Chappaqua, NY
Publisher: Christian Herald Books
Number of Pages: 180
ISBN: 0-86693-001-9

Title: Pirke aboth
Author: Herford, R. Travers
Year: 1945
City: New York
Publisher: Jewish Institute of Religion
Number of Pages: 176

Title: Planetary magick
Author: Denning, Melita
Year: 1989
Secondary Author: Phillips, Osborne
Place Published: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Pages: 400
ISBN/ISSN: 0-87542-193-8

Title: The police and the ghetto
Author: Cooper, John L.
Year: 1980
City: Port Washington, NY
Publisher: Kennikat Press Corp.
Number of Pages: 158
ISBN: 0-8046-9250-5

Title: The portable Arabian nights
Editor: Campbell, Joseph
Year: 1952
City: New York
Publisher: The Viking Press
Number of Pages: 786

Title: The portable beat reader
Editor: Charters, Ann
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Viking Penguin
Number of Pages: 642
ISBN: 0-670-83885-3

Title: Power
Author: Russell, Bertrand
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: The Norton Library
Number of Pages: 315

Title: The power of reason: 1988, an autobiography
Author: LaRouche, Lyndon H.
Year: 1987
City: Washington, D.C.
Publisher: Executive Intelligence Review
Number of Pages: 331
ISBN: 0-943235-00-6

Title: Power on the right
Author: Turner, William W.
Year: 1971
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Ramparts Press
Number of Pages: 272
ISBN: 0-87867-003-3

Title: A practical guide to holistic health
Author: Rama, Swami
Year: 1980
City: Honesdale, PA
Publisher: Himalayan Int'l. Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy of the U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 130
ISBN: 0-89389-065-0

Title: The practice of philosophy: a handbook for beginners
Author: Rosenberg, Jay F.
Year: 1984
City: Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Number of Pages: 117
ISBN: 0-13-687467-3

Title: Primers for prudery: sexual advice to Victorian America
Author: Walters, Ronald G.
Year: 1974
City: Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Number of Pages: 175
ISBN: 0-13-700914-3

Title: Primitive rebels
Author: Hobsbawm, E. J.
Year: 1959
City: New York
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co.
Number of Pages: 202
ISBN: 0-393-00328-0

Title: Principia discordia
Author: Thornley, Kerry W.
Year: 1979
City: Port Townsend, WA
Publisher: Loompanics Unlimited
ISBN: 1-5950-040-9

Title: The pristine Yi king
Author: Culling, Louis T.
Year: 1989
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 204
ISBN: 0-87542-107-5

Title: The problems of work
Author: Hubbard, L. Ron
Year: 1972
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: The American Saint Hill Organization
Number of Pages: 106
ISBN: 0-88404-007-0

Title: The process
Author: Gysin, Brion
Year: 1969
City: London
Publisher: Quartet Books
Number of Pages: 353
ISBN: 0-703-2525-X

Title: The proletarian revolution and renegade Kautsky
Author: Lenin, V. I.
Year: 1934
City: New York
Publisher: International Publishers
Number of Pages: 110

Title: Prometheus rising
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1983
City: Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 262
ISBN: 0-941404-19-6

Title: Prometheus rising
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1990
City: Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: Falcon Press
Number of Pages: 262
ISBN: 0-941404-19-6

Title: The prophet
Author: Gibram, Kahlil
Year: 1973
City: New York
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf
Number of Pages: 96

Title: Protest!
Editor: Foster, Julian
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: William Morrow & Co.
Number of Pages: 596

Title: Psychological operations in guerrilla warfare
Author: Omang, Joanne
Year: 1985
Secondary Author: Neier, Aryeh
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Pages: 124

Title: The psychology of consciousness
Author: Ornstein, Robert E.
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 269
ISBN: 0-14-021679-0

Title: Public sex: the culture of radical sex
Author: Califia, Pat
Year: 1994
City: San Francisco
Publisher: Cleis Press
Number of Pages: 264
ISBN: 0-939416-89-1

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Title: Qabalah no. 1
Author: Heidrick, Bill
Year: 1982
City: Fairfax, CA
Publisher: Ordo Templi Orientis
Number of Pages: 47

Title: The quincunx
Author: Palliser, Charles
Year: 1989
City: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Number of Pages: 788
ISBN: 0-345-36463-5

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Title: Rasta and resistance
Author: Campbell, Horace
Year: 1987
City: Trenton, NJ
Publisher: Africa World Press, Inc.
Number of Pages: 234
ISBN: 0-86543-035-7

Title: Readings on contemporary foreign policy issues
Editor: Roach, James R.
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Foreign Affairs
Number of Pages: 122

Title: The reappearance of the Christ
Author: Baily, Alice A.
Year: 1948
City: Albany, NY
Publisher: Lucis Trust
Number of Pages: 189
Reprint Edition: 2nd pbk. ed.

Title: The reappearance of the Christ and the masters of wisdom
Author: Creme, Benjamin
Year: 1980
City: North Hollywood, CA
Publisher: The Tara Center
Number of Pages: 254
ISBN: 0-936604-00-X

Title: Rebellion in the backlands
Author: Cunha, Euclides da
Translator: Putnam, Samuel
Year: 1944
City: Chicago
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Number of Pages: 532
ISBN: 0-226-12444-4

Title: Reg & Ron Kray: our story
Author: Dineage, Fred
Year: 1988
City: Bungay (U.K.)
Publisher: Pan Books Ltd.
Number of Pages: 159
ISBN: 0-330-30818-1

Title: Religion from Tolstoy to Camus
Editor: Kaufmann, Walter
Year: 1964
City: New York
Publisher: Harper Torchbooks
Number of Pages: 479

Title: Religions of America
Author: Rosten, Leo Calvin
Year: 1975
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Number of Pages: 672
ISBN: 0-671-21971-5

Title: The republic
Author: Plato
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 404

Title: Respect for acting
Author: Hagen, Uta
Year: 1973
City: New York
Publisher: Macmillan
Number of Pages: 227
ISBN: 0-02-547390-5

Title: Retrospective
Author: Berman, Wallace
Year: 1978
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Fellows of Contemporary Art
Number of Pages: 118

Title: The return of the dove
Author: Storm, Margaret
Year: 1972
City: Mokelumne Hill, CA
Publisher: Health Research
Number of Pages: 294
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: The revelation of St. John the divine
Year: 1995
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 56
ISBN: 0-14-600073-0

Title: The revelation of St. John the divine
Year: 1995
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 56
ISBN: 0-14-600073-0
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: The revival of magick and other essays
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1998
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 239
ISBN: 1-56184-133-1

Title: The revival of magick and other essays
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1998
City: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 240
ISBN: 1-56184-133-1
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: Revolution X: a survival guide for our generation
Author: Nelson, Rob
Year: 1994
Secondary Author: Cowan, Jon
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Pages: 224
ISBN/ISSN: 0-14-023532-9

Title: The riddle of consciousness
Author: Krishna, Gopi
Year: 1976
City: New York
Publisher: Kundalini Research Foundation
Number of Pages: 156
ISBN: 0-917776-00-3

Title: The Rider tarot deck
Author: Waite, A. E.
Year: 1971
Secondary Author: Smith, Pamela Colman
Place Published: Stamford, CT
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
ISBN/ISSN: 0-913866-13-X

Title: The right of nations to self-determination
Author: Lenin, V. I.
Year: 1947
City: Moscow
Publisher: Foreign Languages Publishing House
Number of Pages: 75

Title: Right where you are sitting now
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1992
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Ronin Publishing
Number of Pages: 207
ISBN: 0-914171-45-3

Title: Riot control--materials and techniques
Author: Applegate, Rex
Year: 1969
City: Harrisburg, PA
Publisher: Stackpole Books
Number of Pages: 320

Title: Ritual and illustrations of Freemasonry
Author: Anonymous
City: Kila, MT
Publisher: Kessinger
Number of Pages: 254
Edition: Facsimile ed.
ISBN: 0-7661-0108-8

Title: The ritual of Tyl Ulenspiegl and Lucifer the king of spring
Author: Lodge, Thelema
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Number of Pages: [15]

Title: Rock
Author: Larson, Bob
Year: 1980
City: Wheaton, IL
Publisher: Tyndale Press
Number of Pages: 140
ISBN: 0-8423-5685-1

Title: The Rosicrucian emblems of Daniel Cramer
Author: Cramer, Daniel
Translator: Tait, Fiona
Year: 1991
City: Grand Rapids, MI
Publisher: Phanes Press
Number of Pages: 77
ISBN: 0-933999-88-7

Title: Rosicrucians
Author: Harmann, Franz
Year: 1890
City: Boston
Publisher: Occult Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 134

Title: The Royal Marine commandos fitness and survival guide
Author: Watney, John
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: Hippocrene Books
Number of Pages: 176
ISBN: 0-7153-9115-1

Title: Rules for radicals
Author: Alinsky, Saul D.
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Number of Pages: 196
ISBN: 0-394-71736-8

Title: Runes
Author: Page, R. I.
Year: 1987
Series Title: Reading the past
Publisher: University of California Press
Number of Pages: 64
ISBN: 0-520-06114-4

Return to top of catalog

Title: The sacred magic of the lizard of Oz
Author: Wyrdsli, Rev.
Year: 1995
City: Atlanta
Publisher: Temple Lizard of Oz
Number of Pages: 84

Title: Sacred sexuality
Author: Mann, A. T.
Year: 1995
Secondary Author: Lyle, Jane
Place Published: Rockport, MA
Publisher: Element Books, Inc.
Pages: 192
ISBN/ISSN: 1-85230-658-0

Title: Salvador Dali: the surrealist jester
Author: Secrest, Meryle
Year: 1986
City: London
Publisher: Widenfeld and Nicolson
Number of Pages: 307
ISBN: 0-297-78992-9

Title: Salvador Dali's tarot
Author: Pollack, Rachel
Year: 1985
City: Salem, NH
Publisher: Salem House
Number of Pages: 175
ISBN: 0-88162-076-9

Title: Sappho was a right-on woman
Author: Abbott, Sidney
Year: 1973
Secondary Author: Love, Barbara
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Stein and Day Publishers
Pages: 251
ISBN/ISSN: 0-8128-1590-4

Title: Satan is alive and well on planet Earth
Author: Lindsey, Hal
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 238

Title: The Satanic bible
Author: LaVey, Anton Szandor
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: Avon Books
Number of Pages: 272

Title: The Satanic verses
Author: Rushdie, Salman
Year: 1989
City: New York
Publisher: Viking Penguin Inc.
Number of Pages: 546
ISBN: 0-670-82537-9

Title: Satan's secrets revealed
Author: Brim, Frank M.
Year: 1983
City: Hersey, MI
Publisher: World-Wide Ministry of Deliverance, Inc.
Number of Pages: 171
ISBN: 0-9612676-0-7

Title: Saved by a ghost, and other weird stories
Author: Leadbeater, C. W.
Year: 1979
City: Wheaton, IL
Publisher: Quest Books
Number of Pages: 265
ISBN: 0-8356-0526-4

Title: The sayings of the ancient one
Author: Bowen, P. G.
Publisher: Rider & Co.
Number of Pages: 160

Title: Schrodinger's cat
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: Pocket Books
Number of Pages: 256
ISBN: 0-671-82114-8

Title: Schrodinger's cat trilogy
Author: Wilson, Robert Anton
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: Dell Publishing
Number of Pages: 545
ISBN: 0-440-50070-2

Title: Science: good, bad and bogus
Author: Gardner, Martin
Year: 1981
City: Buffalo, NY
Publisher: Prometheus Books
Number of Pages: 412
ISBN: 0-87975-144-4

Title: Science of breath
Author: Rama, Swami
Year: 1979
Secondary Author: Ballentine, Rudolph
Place Published: Honesdale, PA
Publisher: The Himalayan Int'l. Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy
Pages: 166
Tertiary Author: Hymes, Alan
ISBN/ISSN: 0-89389-057-X

Title: The sea priestess
Author: Fortune, Dion
Year: 1991
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 316
ISBN: 0-87728-424-5

Title: A search in secret India
Author: Brunton, Paul
Year: 1959
City: New York
Publisher: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 312

Title: The secet high degree rituals of the Masonic rite of Memphis
Author: Yarker, John
City: Kila, MT
Publisher: Kessinger
Number of Pages: 100
Edition: Facsimile ed.
ISBN: 1-56459-331-2

Title: The second sex
Author: Beauvoir, Simone de
Year: 1952
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 705

Title: The secret and sublime: Taoist mysteries and magic
Author: Blofeld, John
Year: 1973
City: New York
Publisher: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 216

Title: The secret life of a Satanist: the authorized biography of Anton LaVey
Author: Barton, Blanche
Year: 1990
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Feral House
Number of Pages: 262
ISBN: 0-922915-03-2

Title: The secret of the Illuminati
Author: Buren, Elizabeth Van
Year: 1982
City: Suffolk
Publisher: Neville Spearman, Ltd.
Number of Pages: 184
ISBN: 085435-055

Title: Secrets of Mayan science/religion
Author: Men, Hunbatz
Year: 1990
City: Santa Fe, NM
Publisher: Bear & Co.
Number of Pages: 153
ISBN: 0-939680-63-7

Title: Secrets of sexual magic: a practical handbook for men and women
Author: U.D., Frater
Translator: Fischer, Ingrid
Year: 1995
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 222
ISBN: 0-87542-773-1

Title: Secrets of the amazing Kreskin
Author: Kreskin
Year: 1991
City: Buffalo, NY
Publisher: Prometheus Books
Number of Pages: 166
ISBN: 0-87975-676-4

Title: Selected poetry and prose
Author: Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Year: 1964
City: New York
Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Number of Pages: 536

Title: Selections from the Arabian nights
City: New York
Publisher: Book League of America
Number of Pages: 391

Title: A separate reality
Author: Castaneda, Carlos
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Pocket Books
Number of Pages: 263

Title: Sepher yetzirah
Year: 1980
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Ordo Templi Orientis
Number of Pages: 30

Title: The serpent and the rainbow
Author: Davis, Wade
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Warner Books
Number of Pages: 371
ISBN: 0-446-34387-0

Title: The Seth material
Author: Roberts, Jane
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 333
ISBN: 0-53-27948-3

Title: Sex and race
Author: Rogers, J. A.
Year: 1967
City: New York
Publisher: Helga M. Rogers
Number of Pages: 304
ISBN: 0-9602294-0-X

Title: The sex diary of Gerard Sorme
Author: Wilson, Colin
Year: 1963
City: London
Publisher: PAN Books, Ltd.
Number of Pages: 255

Title: Sex in history
Author: Tannahill, Reay
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: Stein & Day Publishers
Number of Pages: 480
ISBN: 0-8128-2580-2

Title: Sex life of the alcoholic
Author: J., Johnny
Year: 1967
City: Beverly Hills, CA
Publisher: Griffon Enterprises
Number of Pages: 192

Title: Sexual life in ancient Rome
Author: Kiefer, Otto
Year: 1976
City: London
Publisher: Abbey Library
Number of Pages: 380

Title: Sexual magic
Author: Randolph, Pascal Beverly
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Magickal Childe Publishing, Inc.
Number of Pages: 142
ISBN: 0-939708-26-4

Title: Sexual magic: the energy potential of intimate relationships
Author: Avenell, Bruce K.
Year: 1985
City: Austin, TX
Publisher: Silver Star Publications
Number of Pages: 59

Title: Sexual personae
Author: Paglia, Camille
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Number of Pages: 718
ISBN: 0-679-73579-8

Title: The shaping of western society
Editor: Fenton, Edwin
Year: 1968
City: New York
Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Number of Pages: 349

Title: Sharks don't get cancer
Author: Lane, I. William
Year: 1992
City: Garden City Park, NY
Publisher: Avery Publishing Group Inc.
Number of Pages: 192
ISBN: 0-89529-520-2

Title: The Shiloh prayer book
Year: 1932
City: New York
Publisher: Shiloh Publishing House
Notes: Work in Hebrew.

Title: The Shroud and the Grail: a modern quest for the true Grail
Author: Currer-Briggs, Noel
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Number of Pages: 241
ISBN: 0-312-01510-0

Title: The silent brotherhood: inside America's racist underground
Author: Flynn, Kevin
Year: 1989
Secondary Author: Gerhard, Gary
Place Published: New York
Publisher: The Free Press
Pages: 419
ISBN/ISSN: 0-02-910312-6

Title: The Silmarillion
Author: Tolkien, J. R. R.
Year: 1977
City: Boston
Publisher: Houghton Miffling Co.
Number of Pages: 365
ISBN: 0-395-34646-0

Title: Silverlock
Author: Myers, John Myers
Year: 1949
City: New York
Publisher: Ace Fantasy Books
Number of Pages: 516
ISBN: 0-441-76674-9

Title: A simplified course in hatha yoga
Author: Slater, Wallace
Year: 1978
City: Wheaton, IL
Publisher: The Theosophical Publishing House
Number of Pages: 65
ISBN: 0-8356-0138-2

Title: Sisterhood is powerful
Editor: Morgan, Robin
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Number of Pages: 577

Title: The sistrum
Editor: Dabbs, Mark
Year: 1998
City: Marietta, GA
Publisher: Luxor Press, Inc.
Volume: I
Number of Pages: 98
ISBN: 1-891948-04-0

Title: Smart drugs & nutrients
Author: Dean, Ward
Year: 1990
Secondary Author: Morgenthaler, John
Place Published: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: B & J Publications
Pages: 222
ISBN/ISSN: 0-9627418-9-2

Title: The smoky god
Author: Emerson, Willis George
Year: 1965
City: Mokelumne Hill, CA
Publisher: Health Research
Number of Pages: 186
Original Publication: Chicago, 1908

Title: Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus
Author: Jaspers, Karl
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Harvest/HBJ Books
Number of Pages: 104
ISBN: 0-15-683580-0

Title: Socrates: the man and his thoughts
Author: Taylor, A. E.
Year: 1952
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Doubleday Anchor Books
Number of Pages: 189

Title: Solar biology
Editor: Latham, John
Year: [1895]

Title: Some men and women of the bible
Author: Binford, Anna Branch
City: Richmond, VA
Publisher: Presbyterian Committee of Publication
Number of Pages: 24

Title: Songs of innocence; and, Songs of experience
Author: Blake, William
Year: 1992
City: Mineola, NY
Publisher: Dover
Number of Pages: 52
ISBN: 0-486-27051-3
Reprint Edition: Dover thrift edition

Title: Sonnets
Author: Shakespeare, William
Year: 1951
City: New York
Publisher: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.
Number of Pages: 78

Title: Sophocles
Editor: Grene, David
Year: 1957
Series Title: The complete Greek tragedies
City: New York
Publisher: Washington Square Press
Number of Pages: 264

Title: Sorcerors!
Editor: Dann, Jack
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: Ace Fantasy Books
Number of Pages: 244
ISBN: 0-441-77532-2

Title: Space-time and beyond
Author: Toben, Bob
Year: 1982
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 188
ISBN: 0-553-26656-X

Title: Speak of the devil
Editor: North, Sterling
Year: 1945
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 334

Title: Speak of the devil: tales of Satanic abuse in contemporary England
Author: Fontaine, J. S. La
Year: 1998
City: Cambridge
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Number of Pages: 224
ISBN: 0-521-62934-9

Title: Speed reading
Author: Zorn, Robert
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Number of Pages: 164
Edition: Rev. ed.
ISBN: 0-06-463734-4

Title: Spirit of Shaolin: a kung fu philosophy
Author: Carradine, David
Year: 1991
City: Boston
Publisher: Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 198
ISBN: 0-8048-1828-2

Title: Srimad bhagavatam: first canto
Author: Bhaktivedanta, Swami A. C.
Year: 1989
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
Number of Pages: 476
ISBN: 0-912776-27-7

Title: SSOTBME: an essay on magic
Author: Johnstone, Lemuel
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: Samuel Weiser
Number of Pages: 96
ISBN: 0-904311-09-0
Notes: Illustrations by Austin Osman Spare

Title: The standard Jewish encyclopedia
Editor: Roth, Cecil
Year: 1962
City: Garden City, NY
Publisher: Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 1978
Edition: New rev. ed.

Title: The starseed transmissions
Author: Carey, Ken
Year: 1982
City: New York
Publisher: HarperCollins
Number of Pages: 85
ISBN: 0-06-250189-5

Title: Stellar visions
Year: 1981
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Stellar Visions

Title: Stellar visions II
Year: 1981
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Stellar Visions

Title: Still life with woodpecker
Author: Robbins, Tom
Year: 1980
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 277
ISBN: 0-553-01260-6

Title: Stolen legacy
Author: James, George G. M.
Year: 1985
City: San Francisco
Publisher: Julian Richardson Associates
Number of Pages: 190
ISBN: 0-917138-09-1

Title: Stolen lightning: the social theory of magic
Author: O'Keefe, Daniel Lawrence
Year: 1982
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Number of Pages: 598
ISBN: 0-394-71634-5

Title: The strange life of Nikola Tesla
Publisher: Kelmegerev-Smirnov Publishing
Number of Pages: 40

Title: Sufism
Author: Stoddardt, William
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Paragon House
Number of Pages: 91
ISBN: 0-913757-47-0

Title: Superconscious meditation
Author: Arya, Usharbudh
Year: 1978
City: Honesdale, PA
Publisher: Himalayan Intn'l. Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy of the U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 132
ISBN: 0-89389-035-9

Title: Superlearning
Author: Ostrander, Sheila
Year: 1979
Secondary Author: Schroeder, Lynn
Place Published: New York
Publisher: Delta Books
Pages: 357
ISBN/ISSN: 0-440-58099-4

Title: Symbols: signposts of devotion
Author: McGee, Ratha Doyle
Year: 1962
City: Nashville, TN
Publisher: The Upper Room
Number of Pages: 116

Title: The symposium
Author: Plato
Translator: Hamilton, W.
Year: 1951
City: Baltimore
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 122

Title: Syphilis: a synopsis
Author: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare
Year: 1967
City: Washington, D.C.
Publisher: U.S. Government Printing Office
Number of Pages: 133

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Title: Taboo no more
Author: Thorn, Mark
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Shapolsky Publishers
Number of Pages: 123
ISBN: 0-94007-63-5

Title: Taboo: the ecstasy of evil
Author: Hyatt, Christopher S.
Year: 1991
Secondary Author: Duquette, Lon Milo
Place Published: Scottsdale, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon
Pages: 244
Tertiary Author: Ford, Gary
ISBN/ISSN: 1-56184-039-4

Title: Tales of horror and the supernatural
Author: Machen, Arthur
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Pinnacle Books
Number of Pages: 219
ISBN: 0-523-00891-0

Title: The tantric system of mysticism in Tibet: a practical guide
Author: Blofeld, John
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 257

Title: The tao of health, sex, and longevity
Author: Reid, Daniel
Year: 1989
City: New York
Publisher: Fireside Books
Number of Pages: 406
ISBN: 0-671-64811-X

Title: The tao of leadership
Author: Heider, John
Year: 1985
City: Atlanta
Publisher: Humanics New Age
Number of Pages: 166
ISBN: 0-89334-079-0

Title: The tao of Pooh
Author: Hoff, Benjamin
Year: 1982
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 158
ISBN: 0-14-006747-7

Title: Tao te ching: liber CLVII
Author: [Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching]
Translator: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1995
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 112
ISBN: 0-87728-846-1

Title: Tarocchi di Aleister Crowley manuale & 80 carte
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1988
Secondary Author: Harris, Freida
Secondary Title: Tarocco: specchio dell'anima
Place Published: Germany
Publisher: Urania Verlag
ISBN/ISSN: 3-921960-62-6

Title: Tarot: a handbook for the new apprentice
Author: Connolly, Eileen
Year: 1979
City: North Hollywood, CA
Publisher: Newcastle Publishing Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 244
ISBN: 0-87877-045-3

Title: Tarot in ten minutes
Author: Kaser, R. T.
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Avon Books
Number of Pages: 346
ISBN: 0-380-76689-2

Title: Tarot: mirror of the soul
Author: Ziegler, Gerd
Year: 1986
City: Germany
Publisher: Urania Verlag
Number of Pages: 143
ISBN: 3-921960-43-6

Title: Tarot readings and meditations
Author: Pollack, Rachel
Year: 1986
City: Wellingborough (U.K.)
Publisher: The Aquarian Press
Number of Pages: 159
ISBN: 1-85538-049-8

Title: Tarot: Spiegel deiner Beziehungen
Author: Ziegler, Gerd
Year: 1996
City: Neuhausen (Germany)
Publisher: Urania Verlags AG
Number of Pages: 223
ISBN: 3-908645-03-4

Title: The teachings of don Juan: a Yaqui way of knowledge
Author: Castaneda, Carlos
Year: 1968
City: New York
Publisher: Pocket Books
Number of Pages: 256
ISBN: 0-671-45800-0

Title: Teenage wasteland
Author: Gaines, Donna
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: HarperPerennial
Number of Pages: 261
ISBN: 0-06-097477-X

Title: Teens and devil-worship: what everyone should know
Author: Evans, Charles G. B.
Year: 1991
City: Lafayette, LA
Publisher: Huntington House
Number of Pages: 198
ISBN: 1-56384-004-9

Title: The temple of the golden pavilion
Author: Mishima, Yukio
Translator: Morris, Ivan
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Berkley Medallion Books
Number of Pages: 285

Title: Ten philosophical mistakes
Author: Adler, Mortimer J.
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Collier Books
Number of Pages: 200
ISBN: 0-02-064120-6

Title: Ten plays
Author: Euripides
Year: 1966
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 358

Title: The Theban plays
Author: Sophocles
Year: 1947
City: Baltimore, MD
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 168

Title: Thirty-three candles
Author: Horowitz, David
Year: 1949
City: New York
Publisher: World Union Press
Number of Pages: 506

Title: This new age business
Author: Lemesurier, Peter
Year: 1990
City: Moray (Scotland)
Publisher: Findhorn Press
Number of Pages: 232
ISBN: 0-905249-72-0

Title: A thousand-mile walk to the gulf
Author: Muir, John
Year: 1981
City: Boston
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Number of Pages: 218
ISBN: 0-395-31542-5

Title: Three famous occultists
Author: Hort, G. M.
Secondary Author: Ince, R. B.
Place Published: Philadelphia
Publisher: The David McKay Co.
Pages: 190
Tertiary Author: Swainson, W. P.

Title: Three Theban plays
Author: Sophocles
Year: 1956
City: New York
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Number of Pages: 144

Title: The three wishes
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Number of Pages: 74
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Three-fisted tales of "Bob"
Editor: Stang, Ivan
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Fireside Books
Number of Pages: 351
ISBN: 0-671-67190-1

Title: Thriving on chaos
Author: Peters, Tom
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Perennial Library
Number of Pages: 708
ISBN: 0-06-097184-3

Title: Time enough for love
Author: Heinlein, Robert
Year: 1973
City: New York
Publisher: Ace Books
Number of Pages: 589
ISBN: 0-441-81076-4

Title: The time of the assassins
Author: Sterling, Claire
Year: 1985
City: New York
Publisher: Hold, Rinehart & Winston
Number of Pages: 295
ISBN: 0-03-003683-6

Title: The timetables of history
Author: Grun, Bernard
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Touchstone Books
Number of Pages: 724
ISBN: 0-671-74271-X

Title: Tissue cleansing through bowel management
Author: Jensen, Bernard
Year: 1981
City: Escondido, CA
Publisher: Bernard Jensen, D.C.
Number of Pages: 175

Title: Tolkein: a look behind "The Lord of the Rings"
Author: Carter, Lin
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Number of Pages: 211

Title: The Tolkein companion
Author: Tyler, J. E. A.
Year: 1977
City: New York
Publisher: Avon Books
Number of Pages: 531
ISBN: 0-380-00901-3

Title: Tortures & torments of the Christian martyrs
Author: Gallonio, Antonio
Translator: Allinson, A. R.
Year: 1989
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: Feral House
Number of Pages: 275
ISBN: 0-922915-02-4

Title: Transcendental magic
Author: Levi, Eliphas
Translator: Waite, Arthur Edward
Year: 1972
City: York Beach, ME
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 438
ISBN: 0-87728-079-7

Title: The tree of life
Author: Regardie, Israel
Year: 1972
City: York Beach, Maine
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 284
ISBN: 0-87728-149-1

Title: The trial of the Templars
Author: Barber, Malcolm
Year: 1978
City: Cambridge
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Number of Pages: 312
ISBN: 0-521-45727-0

Title: The triumph of Satan
Author: Wedeck, Harry E.
Year: 1970
City: Secaucus, NJ
Publisher: The Citadel Press
Number of Pages: 160
ISBN: 0-8065-0422-6

Title: The truth about Mars
Author: Norman, Ernest L.
Year: 1956
City: Montrose, CA
Publisher: Unarius
Number of Pages: 62

Title: Turning on
Author: Gustaitis, Rasa
Year: 1969
City: New York
Publisher: Signet Books
Number of Pages: 288

Title: The twelve rays: colour and its esoteric significance
Author: Sturzaker, James
Year: 1976
City: New York
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Number of Pages: 64
ISBN: 0-87728-319-2

Title: The twentieth century in Europe
Author: Latourette, Kenneth Scott
Year: 1961
Series Title: Christianity in a revolutionary age
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Bros.
Volume: IV
Number of Pages: 568

Title: The twentieth century outside Europe
Author: Latourette, Kenneth Scott
Year: 1962
Series Title: Christianity in a revolutionary age
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Brothers
Volume: V
Number of Pages: 568

Title: Twentieth-century social thought
Author: Cuzzort, R. P.
Year: 1989
City: Chicago
Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Number of Pages: 389
ISBN: 0-03-023763-7

Title: Twilight of the idols; and, the Anti-Christ
Author: Nietzsche, Friedrich
Translator: Hollingdale, R. J.
Year: 1968
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 198
ISBN: 0-14-044207-3

Title: Two talks on Buddhism
Author: Yun, Hsing
Year: 1987
City: Tashu (Taiwan)
Publisher: Fo Kuang Publisher
Number of Pages: 68

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Title: The Ubu plays
Author: Jarry, Alfred
Year: 1968
City: New York
Publisher: Grove Press, Inc.
Number of Pages: 148
ISBN: 0-394-17485-2

Title: The ultimate frontier
Author: Kueshana, Eklal
Year: 1963
City: Chicago
Publisher: The Stelle Group
Number of Pages: 224

Title: Under the volacano
Author: Lowry, Malcolm
Year: 1965
City: New York
Publisher: Plume Books
Number of Pages: 375
ISBN: 0-452-25556-2

Title: Undercover work: a complete handbook
Author: Rapp, Burt
Year: 1986
City: Port Townsend, WA
Publisher: Loompanics Unlimited
Number of Pages: 139
ISBN: 0-915179-32-6

Title: Understanding the new religions
Editor: Needleman, Jacob
Year: 1978
City: New York
Publisher: The Seabury Press
Number of Pages: 314
ISBN: 0-8164-2188-9

Title: Unfinished tales
Author: Tolkien, J. R. R.
Year: 1980
City: Boston
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Number of Pages: 472
ISBN: 0-395-32441-6

Title: Unspeakable acts
Author: Hollingsworth, Jan
Year: 1986
City: New York
Publisher: Congdon & Weed
Number of Pages: 592
ISBN: 0-86553-163-3

Title: Unzipped: the popes bare all
Author: Ide, Arthur Frederick
Year: 1987
City: Austin, TX
Publisher: American Atheist Press
Number of Pages: 189
ISBN: 0-9103090-43-4

Title: The Upanishads
Translator: Mascaro, Juan
Year: 1965
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 143
ISBN: 0-14-044163-8

Title: The urban pagan
Author: Telesco, Patricia
Year: 1993
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 317
ISBN: 0-87542-785-5

Title: Urban Voodoo
Author: Black, S. Jason
Year: 1995
Secondary Author: Hyatt, Christopher S.
Place Published: Tempe, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon
Pages: 188
ISBN/ISSN: 1-56184-059-9

Title: Using your brain for a change
Author: Bandler, Richard
Year: 1985
City: Moab, UT
Publisher: Real People Press
Number of Pages: 172
ISBN: 0-911226-27-3

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Title: The variable man and other stories
Author: Dick, Philip K.
Year: 1957
City: New York
Publisher: Ace Books
Number of Pages: 312

Title: The varieties of religious experience
Author: James, William
City: New York
Publisher: The Modern Library
Number of Pages: 526

Title: Vathek
Author: Beckford, William
Year: 1983
City: New York
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Number of Pages: 170
ISBN: 0-19-28645-4

Title: Vegetarianism, a history
Author: Gregerson, Jon
Year: 1994
City: Fremont, CA
Publisher: Jain Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 151
ISBN: 0-87573-030-2

Title: The violent land
Author: Amado, Jorge
Year: 1979
City: New York
Publisher: Bard Books
Number of Pages: 276

Title: A visit from the footbinder, and other stories
Author: Prager, Emily
Year: 1982
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Contemporaries
Number of Pages: 190
ISBN: 0-394-75592-8

Title: Voices from the tapes: recordings from the other world
Author: Bander, Peter
Year: 1973
City: New York
Publisher: Drake Publishers
Number of Pages: 167
ISBN: 0-88749-447-9

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Title: The wake world
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1990
City: Santa Cruz, CA
Publisher: The Magick Theater
Number of Pages: 24
Edition: Facsimile ed.

Title: Walking time bombs
Author: Norris, Joel
Year: 1992
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 324
ISBN: 0-53-28996-9

Title: Warlords of crime
Author: Posner, Gerald L.
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 289
ISBN: 0-14-012340-7

Title: The warrior athlete
Author: Millman, Dan
Year: 1979
City: Walpole, NH
Publisher: Stillpoint Publishing
Number of Pages: 171
ISBN: 0-913299-22-7

Title: Watch & be ready! 1992: millions disappear?
Author: Miller, D. A.
Year: 1992
City: Stockton, CA
Publisher: Prophetic Research Association
Number of Pages: 88

Title: The way of life according to Laotzu
Translator: Bynner, Witter
Year: 1944
City: New York
Publisher: Capricorn Books
Number of Pages: 76
ISBN: 399-50241-6

Title: The way of the peaceful warrior
Author: Millman, Dan
Year: 1984
City: Tiburon, CA
Publisher: H J Kramer, Inc.
Number of Pages: 210
ISBN: 0-915811-00-6

Title: The way of the secret lover
Author: Hyatt, Christopher S.
Year: 1991
Secondary Author: Duquette, Lon Milo
Place Published: Scottsdale, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon
Pages: 158
ISBN/ISSN: 1-56184-044-0

Title: The way of the warrior
Author: Reid, Howard
Year: 1995
Secondary Author: Croucher, Michael
Secondary Title: The paradox of the martial arts
Place Published: London
Publisher: Leopard Books
Pages: 240
ISBN/ISSN: 0-7529-0134-6
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: The way of the warrior
Author: Reid, Howard
Year: 1995
Secondary Author: Croucher, Michael
Place Published: London
Publisher: Leopard Books
Pages: 240
ISBN/ISSN: 0-7529-0134-6

Title: The way of the WASP
Author: Brookhiser, Richard
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: The Free Press
Number of Pages: 171
ISBN: 0-02-904721-8

Title: We are everywhere
Author: Rubin, Jerry
Year: 1971
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Row
Number of Pages: 256

Title: Well's new descriptive chart for the use of examiners, giving a delineation of the character
City: New York
Publisher: Fowler & Wells Co.

Title: Werewolves
Author: O'Donnell, Elliott
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Wholesale Book Corp.
Number of Pages: 292
Edition: New rev. ed.

Title: What cops know
Author: Fletcher, Connie
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Pocket Books
Number of Pages: 336
ISBN: 0-671-75040-2

Title: What does Joan say?: my seven years as White House astrologer to Nancy and Ronald Reagan
Author: Quigley, Joan
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: Birch Lane Press
Number of Pages: 218
ISBN: 1-55972-032-8

Title: What happened in Salem?
Editor: Levin, David
Year: 1950
Publisher: Twayne Publishers, Inc.
Number of Pages: 198

Title: What is safe sex in the age of AIDS?
Author: Cost, Curtis
Year: 1991
Publisher: Curtis Cost
Number of Pages: 32

Title: What should you do if you are arrested or framed by the cops?
Author: Muhammad, Al-hajj Idris A.
Year: 1990
City: New York
Publisher: The Nubian Heritage Society
Number of Pages: 32
ISBN: 1-56411-034-6

Title: When do fish sleep? and other imponderables of everyday life
Author: Feldman, David
Year: 1989
City: New York
Publisher: Harper & Row
Number of Pages: 260
ISBN: 0-06-092011-4

Title: Where the spirits dwell
Author: Schneebaum, Tobias
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Grove Press, Inc.
Number of Pages: 211
ISBN: 0-802-10019-8

Title: Wilderness: the lost writings of Jim Morrison
Author: Morrison, Jim
Year: 1988
City: New York
Publisher: Vintage Books
Number of Pages: 214
ISBN: 0-679-72622-5

Title: Wilhelm Reich and orgonomy
Author: Raknes, Ola
Year: 1971
City: Baltimore
Publisher: Penguin Books
Number of Pages: 183
ISBN: 0-14-021472-0

Title: Wills of the rich and famous
Author: Nass, Herbert E.
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Warner Books
Number of Pages: 306
ISBN: 0-446-39218-9

Title: Witchcraft and magic of Africa
Author: Kaigh, Frederick
Year: 1947
City: London
Publisher: Richard Lesley & Co., Ltd.
Number of Pages: 159

Title: The witches tarot
Author: Reed, Ellen Cannon
Year: 1991
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 293
ISBN: 0-87542-668-9

Title: A witness through the centuries
Author: Hegy, Reginald
City: London
Publisher: Rider & Co.
Number of Pages: 230

Title: Women as mothers
Author: Kitzinger, Sheila
Year: 1978
City: Glasgow (UK)
Publisher: William Collins Sons & Co.
Number of Pages: 285

Title: Women of the left bank: Paris, 1900-1940
Editor: Benstock, Shari
Year: 1986
City: Austin, TX
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Number of Pages: 518
ISBN: 0-292-79040-6

Title: Women on top
Author: Friday, Nancy
Year: 1991
City: New York
Publisher: Pocket Books
Number of Pages: 559
ISBN: 0-671-64845-4

Title: World masterpieces
Editor: Mack, Maynard
Year: 1973
City: New York
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.
Number of Pages: 1742
Edition: 3rd ed.
ISBN: 0-393-09421-9

Title: The world's tragedy
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1991
City: Scottsdale, AZ
Publisher: New Falcon Publications
Number of Pages: 114
ISBN: 0-941404-18-8

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Sorry, no titles starting with X.

Title: Yankee pasha
Author: Marshall, Edison
Year: 1947
City: New York
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Co.
Number of Pages: 375

Title: The Yezidis
Author: Guest, John S.
Year: 1987
City: New York
Publisher: KPI
Number of Pages: 299
ISBN: 0-7103-0115-4

Title: Yoga and psychotherapy: the evolution of consciousness
Author: Rama, Swami
Year: 1976
Secondary Author: Ballentine, Rudolph
Place Published: Honesdale, PA
Publisher: The Himalayan Int'l. Institute of Yoga Science & Philosophy
Pages: 327
ISBN/ISSN: 0-89389-036-7

Title: Yoga in ten lessons
Author: Dechanet, J. M.
Year: 1972
City: New York
Publisher: Cornerstone Library Publications
Number of Pages: 174

Title: Yoga psychology
Author: Ajaya, Swami
Year: 1976
City: Honesdale, PA
Publisher: The Himalayan Intn'l. Institute of Yoga and Philosophy of the U.S.A.
Number of Pages: 114
ISBN: 0-89389-052-9

Title: Yoga vashisht: or, heaven found
Author: Cherwal, Singh
Year: 1930
City: Santa Barbara, CA
Publisher: Rishi Singh Cherwal
Number of Pages: 189

Title: Youth wars
Author: McKee, Bill
Year: 1978
City: Scottsdale, AZ
Publisher: Good Life Productions
Number of Pages: 121

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Title: Z-5: secret teachings of the Golden Dawn
Author: Zalewski, Pat
Year: 1991
City: St. Paul, MN
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Number of Pages: 203
ISBN: 0-87542-897-5

Title: The zap gun
Author: Dick, Philip K.
Year: 1965
City: New York
Publisher: Dell Publishing Co.
Number of Pages: 252

Title: Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Author: Pirsig, Robert
Year: 1974
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 373
ISBN: 0-553-24458-2

Title: Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Author: Pirsig, Robert M.
Year: 1974
City: New York
Publisher: Bantam Books
Number of Pages: 380
ISBN: 0-553-27747-2
Notes: 2nd copy

Title: Zen in the art of close encounters: crazy wisdom and UFOs
Editor: Pursglove, Paul David
Year: 1995
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: The New Being Project
Number of Pages: 333
ISBN: 0-9638691-0-8

Title: Zen mind, beginner's mind
Author: Suzuki, Shunryu
Year: 1970
City: New York
Publisher: Weatherhill
Number of Pages: 138
ISBN: 0-8348-0079-9

Title: The Zen way to the martial arts
Author: Deshimaru, Taisen
Year: 1982
City: New York
Publisher: E. P. Dutton
Number of Pages: 120
ISBN: 0-525-48360-8

Title: Znus is znees: memoirs of a magician
Author: Russell, Cecil F. and Barbara
Year: 1982
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: C. F. Russell
Volume: IV
Number of Pages: 42

Title: Znuz is znees: memoirs of a magician
Author: Russell, C. F.
Year: 1970
City: Los Angeles
Publisher: C. F. Russell
Number of Pages: 161
Edition: 2nd rev. ed.

Title: Znuz is znees: memoirs of a magician
Author: Russell, C. F.
Year: 1970
Publisher: C. F. Russell
Volume: II
Number of Pages: 261

Title: Znuz is znees: memoirs of a magician
Author: Russell, C. F.
Year: 1972
Publisher: C. F. Russell
Volume: III

Title: ZVI
Author: McQuaid, Elwood
Year: 1978
City: West Collingswood, NJ
Publisher: The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc.
Number of Pages: 202
ISBN: 0-915540-23-1

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Title: 1985: what happens after Big Brother dies
Author: Dalos, Gyorgy
Translator: Schmid, Stuart Hood and Estella
Year: 1983
City: New York
Publisher: Pantheon Books
Number of Pages: 118
ISBN: 0-394-72482-8

Title: 20 reasons why this present earth may not last another 20 years
Author: Kirban, Salem
Year: 1973
City: Iowa Falls
Publisher: Riverside Books
Number of Pages: 191
ISBN: 0-912582-07-3

Title: 33 electronic music projects you can build
Author: Winston, Lawrence E.
Year: 1981
City: Blue Ridge Summit, PA
Publisher: TAB Books
Number of Pages: 181
ISBN: 0-8306-0026-4

Title: 666
Author: Kirban, Salem
Year: 1970
City: Wheaton, IL
Publisher: Tyndale House
Number of Pages: 285
ISBN: 0-912582-05-7

Title: 69 ways to a succesful romance
Author: Travis, Mary
Year: 1992
City: Hampton, VA
Publisher: United Brothers & Sisters Communication Systems
ISBN: 1-56411-042-7

Title: 777
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Year: 1980
City: Berkeley, CA
Publisher: Ordo Templi Orientis
Number of Pages: 54
Edition: Facsimile ed.
Original Publication: London, 1909

Title: 98% of the people you know & love are in dangerous sexual situations
Author: Locklear, Edmond
Year: 1994
City: Pembroke, NC
Publisher: WFCPress
Number of Pages: 258
ISBN: 0-9614336-1-2

Document created January 20, 2002