Article Index
II, No. 4 | May 1995 e.v.
Anno IViii | Feast of Cattle, Little & Big | Sun in Taurus,
Moon in Leo |
from Adam Walks Between Worlds, Fr. Hunahpu & Sr. Ixel
Balamke, Fr. Insanvs & Sr. Isis Insania, and Fr. Alverda
Out of My Mind
by Fr. Sharash, Editor
From the Camel's Back
by Sr. Continuity
The World-Teacher
by Aleister Crowley, with notes by Fr. Pnesomauma and Sr.
Smoking Dog Project: Feasts
of the Times by Fr. Pnesomauma
Issued by Order
Warning by Adam
Walks Between Worlds
Gede by Sr. Blut
ist Leben
Pillow Talk by
Sr. Lillith
Thee Enclosed Garden
by S.Orboros
Babalon Bakes! Cakes o’
Lite by Sr. Beta Voluspa
Trochilics of the Deacon
During the Collects by Dionysos Soter
So Mote it Be
by Dionysos Soter
The Yoni Tantra, Part I
Translated by Sri Lokanath
The Star Bullwinkle
by Sr. Q.V.P.
Liber 1369 by
Fr. Χεφρα
The Redemption of Adolf Hitler,
Part I by Fr. Catfish-Seahorse |
VIII, No. 1 | March 2003 e.v.
Spring Equinox| Sun in Aries, Moon in Scorpio |
Born Every Minute by Paradoxos
Alpha, Lodgemaster
Review: Darker Than You Think by Dionysos Thriambos
One Mass, Four Worlds by Dionysos Thriambos
Poem: Woman by Brian Berge
The Mysterious Baphomet by Aisha Qadisha
Take 93 Days of Liber Reguli and Call Me in the Morning
by Vocable
A Gnostic Funeral Service by A.C. Frater Abrasax
In Memoriam: Anthony Martinez, Fr. Agapito |
VIII, No. 2 | March 2004 e.v.
Spring Equinox| Sun in Libra, Moon in Capricorn |
A Note From the Editor: Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes
by Fr. Ash
The Omega Point by Omega Baphomet, Lodgemaster
Roar of the Lion, Hiss of the Serpent by Fr. M.S.
Quotable Crowley
A Phylogeny of Modern Gnosticism by Διονυσοζ
The New Art & Science of Neurogoetia by Omega
A Meeting by Patrick Crumhorn
Meditation for the Modern Magician by Fr. Jesus
On Babel: Freemasonic Lore of the Incomplete Tower by
Matthew D. Rogers
The Neurobiology of Mystical, Meditative, and Anomalous
by Omega Baphomet and Aisha Qadisha
Visiting Grandma by Abrasax
Poetry: Narrow Expanse, Falod, and (another random poem)
by cf salvo
On Showing Up by Ash
Poetry: the water-bell by hexlux
On Thelema by Aleister Crowley
Review: Venus Plus X Reviewed by Fr. I.L.N.E.
Caught In The Web from schnookiemuffin, Xephyr,
Saladin93 |
VIII, No. 3 | December 2004
Winter Solstice | Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Taurus |
A Note from the Editor: ‘Tis
the season to go crazy by Fr. Ash
The Omega Point: The Winning Edge by Omega Baphomet,
Roar of the Lion, Hiss of the Serpent: What's in a Name?
by Fr. M.C.
Beginnings by J.M.
Poetry: Babalon Verses by Br. Tehuti
The Anathelema of the Holy Whore: The Lust Card by
Commenting on the Comment by Fr. Robin
Discourse on the Second Article by Dionysos Thriambos
Review: The Triumph of the Moon Reviewed by Fr. D.
The Magickal Epicurean: How to Plan a Feast by Sr.
Every Woman is a Star by Aleister Crowley
Caught in the Web from paradoxosalpha, 93aleph, azael93,
scorpionis, & 00goddess
Quotable Crowley
The Woman Girt with a Sword by John Whiteside “Jack”
To Be or Not to Be: Two Viewpoints on Thelema and Religion
by Br. Ash and Br. Tau Aleph
Scarlet Letters: IO Pan Jam by Fr. Jubelo
A Prophecy of the Kingdom of the Soul, mystically called
The Day of the Woman by Anna Bonus Kingsford |
IX, No. 1| March 2005 e.v.
Spring Equinox | Sun in Aries, Moon in Leo |
A Note from the Editor:
The Babble of a Bonehead by Fr. Ash
Roar of the Lion, Hiss of the Serpent: Celebrating Community
by Fr. M.C.
Quotable Crowley
Celebrating the Gnostic Mass: Excerpts from the magical record
of Circle of Stars Sanctuary, 1995 - 2002 e.v. Transcription
by Sr. Sphinx
Editorial: On Local Membership & Dues by Fr. Ash
The Sacred Nymph by Nathan Charles
Daemon Theory by Fr. Abrasax
Detail-Intensive Descroption of an Entirely Incidental Discovery
of a New Aeon Sigil Working by K.R.
On Meeting Buddha on the Road by A.J. Rose
Poem: Atu 0 - The Fool - El Loco by Fr. Khonsu
Doing Liber AL by Bill Heidrick
Figs of Amoun Ra by Fr. Radiavi
Reviews: I ♥ Huckabees by Bob Uppendowne, An
Open Entrance to the Shut Palace of Wrong Numbers by Rathwick
Caught in the Web from Najwa Maryam, Isomeme, Sphinxie,
Irenicspace, Stevensteven
(Selected) Proverbs of Hell - From "The Marriage
of Heaven and Hell" by William Blake
IX, No. 2| June 2005 e.v.
Summer Solstice | Sun in Cancer, Moon in Sagitarius |
A Note from the Outgoing
Editor: Nothing Will Be the Same Again by Fr. Ash
A Note from the Incoming Editor: The Art Of Life by
Sr. Musick
A Note from the Acting Lodgemaster: The Quill & Rose
by Fr. Do
Roar of the Lion, Hiss of the Serpent: Change is Stability
by Fr. M.C.
Quotable Crowley
The Rationalizing Animal by A.J. Rose
Transcendence (The Truth about Life and Death) by
Nathan Charles
A Typical Rant by Fr. Aiwass
Poet's Place Gardens of Fire by d., To Know by Musick
Mysteries Not Pertaining...A Retrospective by Tau
Rights, Will and Law by Spartacus
Service Celebrating the Spring Equinox Ritual by Dionysos
The Chupacabra Policia and Thelema by Frater M.C.
Magical Diaries by Ra.Hoor
Book Reviews: The Book of Ordinary Oracles by John
Crow, The Monks of Thelema by Sr. Sphinx, Jonathan Strange &
Mr. Norrell by Fr. Ash
Caught in the Web from Isomeme
Talx with Darqsyde: Dream Werx
Community Column
IX, No. 3| September 2005 e.v.
Fall Equinox | Sun in Libra, Moon in Taurus |
A Note from the Editor:
Balancing Act by Sr. Musick
A Note from the Lodgemaster: The Quill & Rose by
Fr. Do
Editorial: Hurricane Relief by Sr. Musick
Closing the Loop; Sexual Practices that Play with Polarity
by Sr. Tzaddi
My First Gnostic Mass by Jonathan Westhaven
The Great One of the Night of Time by Fr. Aleph
House of the Virgin: A Celebration of Saturn by Fr.
Poet's Place Three Poems by Fr. Khonsu
An International Perspective by Mnstr Crts
Yoga Teaches How to Achieve Union with Universal Consciousness
by Sister Eva
The Heresy of Babalon by Cindy Weinstein
Rite of Saturn: Vengeance of the Vodou Queen Song
Excerpt by Sr. Sundari Lalita
Meditation Class by Xephyr
Community Column
IX, No. 4| December 2005 e.v.
Winter Solstice | Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Virgo |
A Note from the Editor:
The Cry of the Hawk by Sr. Musick
A Note from the Lodgemaster: The Quill & Rose by
Fr. Do
Roar of the Lion, Hiss of the Serpent: IO Pan! by
Fr. M.C.
Quotable Crowley
An Astrological Interpretation of the 'Birth' of the O.T.O.
Body, Scarlet Woman by Antares 'Scorpionis' Burton
Occultism Without Apologies: John Crow on Podcasting &
Thelema by Fr. M.C.
Kephra Night by Tau Marie
A Concise History of Mithraism by Omega Baphomet
The Revelation of Babalon by Hesperos
Amduat: The Book of the Hidden Chamber, c.1500 BCE by
Fr. Christeos Pir
Crossword Challenge: The Masculine by SWL with a
special thanks to Lou, you generator you!
Poet's Place The Shore of Nevermore by O.B., Moonchilde
by Frater Khonsu
Watershed Gods by Xephyr
The Three Pillars of Stewardship by Fr.
Community Column
X, No. 1| March 2006 e.v.
Spring Equinox| Sun in Aries, Moon in Sagittarius |
A Note from the Editor:
Solve et Coagula by Sr. Musick
A Note from the Lodgemaster: The Quill & Rose by
Fr. Do
Questioning of my Will by Fr. JPU
Why a Magical Garden, "As Above, So Below"
by Priscilla Lane, a.k.a. Sor. Serpens-Apis
Spring, in the Magical Garden by Priscilla
Lane, a.k.a. Sor. Serpens-Apis
Life of Salah al-Din, Yusuf ibn Ayyub by Fr. Christeos
The Promise of Spring by Sor. Tzaddi
Poet's Place Winter Exposure by Norm Ballinger, Sensual
Love 1 by Sor. Tzaddi
Aromatherapy for the Modern World by Rebecca Rowbatham
Winter Crossword Puzzle: Solved by SWL
Kundalini Yoga: The Path of Liberation by Sor. Musick
Talx with Darqsyde: A Matter of Degree (All of MySelfs)
Community Column
X, No. 3| December 2007 e.v.
Winter Solstice| Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Aries |
A Note from the Lodgemaster: The Quill & Rose by
Fr. do
Invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel (H.G.A.) by Fr. Christeos Pir
“Kill and Torture”
by Spartacus
Class Review of Hermeticism 101 by Sor. Tzaddi
Moon Island and the Place Called Love by Sor. Musick
Keep My Eyes Open by Fr. Theapraxis
XII, No. 1| December 2009 e.v.
Winter Solstice| Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Gemini |
In the Balance - Thoughts From the Editor by Fr. Libra Erelim
A Note from the Lodgemaster: The Quill & Rose by
Fr. do
Planetary Temple Series - An Overview of the Explorations of the Hermetic Practice Workshop by Sr. Eshim
Beyond the Greater Feast - Death and Dying for Thelemites
by Sr. Tzaddi
LeaderShip - What Is It? by Fr. do
The Enochian Watchtowers of the World (Part 1 of 3) by Fr. Christeos
Ritual Writing Workshop by Sr. Eshim
Book Review: A Story of O: A World on Fire: A Heretic, An Aristocrat, and the Race to Discover Oxygen, By Joe Jackson Reviewed by Sr. lux
Book Review: Legion 49, By Barry William Hale Reviewed by Fr. Libra Erelim